Live commentary on tonight’s GOP debate

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5 Responses

  1. EllenLynn says:

    Where was Vinny Fortas?

  2. Myer Rickless says:

    Peter is the clear choice for Connecticut’s next Senator. Peter has a track record for being right for over a decade. Go watch his 2006 speech to the western regional mortgage bankers association in Las Vegas, telling them EXACTLY what would happen. The more you look into the Peter the more you will see that he is the only man who can get the job done for Connecticut. Simmons is just another politician who will tell you whatever he thinks you want to hear. Peter wont tell you what you want to hear he’ll tell you what you must hear- the truth. McMahon is trying to buy an election and if you watch some of Peter’s speeches on Youtube (there are thousands- I’ve watched almost every single one of them) you will see that she stole a number of Peter’s positions verbatim. McMahon’s line about how she’s not going to run for re-election is Peter’s line exactly, then she even butchered the position by saying 5 mins later that she wouldn’t serve more than 2 terms. Which is it Linda? Peter has said consistently that he would only serve one term. Research Peter and you will see that he is the clear choice for Connecticut.

  3. George L says:

    First off because the only way to generate wealth is through the conversion of raw materials into finished goods or manufacturing. Small retail and service business will never grow the economy. Simply put, the population is growing but the manufacturing based economy is shrinking. Therefore all growth in the economy is debt and speculation. Government needs to start spending to get the economy working because private money is not sufficient. Are you willing to make the changes to bring manufacturing back to the United States?

  4. JD says:

    Do you think the Steroid problem at the WWE will come up tonight?

  5. Matt says:

    Can I get a URL to the live stream please?