Jim Himes: Stay thirsty, my friends

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3 Responses

  1. Sean says:

    And “Tony” says Jim Himes displays “no independent thinking whatsover”. Let me see. He’s talking about Jim Himes who was one of the first supporters of Ned Lamont, and one of the only Democratic leaders to oppose Joe Lieberman at the beginning of 2006. The entire Democratic Party in Connecticut is backing Joe Lieberman, but Himes, heading the Greenwich DTC, goes all out to support Ned Lamont. Because Jim Himes understood that the Iraq War was a disaster and never should have been fought in the first place.

    I just wonder when “Tony” figured out that Iraq was a mistake and that George Bush had lied us into that war. Chris Shays never figured that out, supporting that war to the bitter end, even though Shays himself got out of Vietnam somehow, and then declared himself a conscientious objector. Funny how a guy who declares himself opposed to fighting in any war because war is immoral has no moral problems with voting to send other people to go fight and die. 35,000 dead and wounded in Iraq? Over 300,000 suffering from PTSD? No problem for Shays. Jim Himes, however, took a stand.

    And this is the Jim Himes who not only voted for, but helped draft the legislation that passed the Congress to tightly regulate commercial and investment banks, legislation that Goldman Sachs and Wall Street are fighting against tooth and nail. Republican Mitch McConnell goes to Wall Street executives and asks them exactly what they want from Republicans while asking for handouts. Jim Himes goes to meet with top Wall Street executives and engages in a shouting match with them because he won’t back down from real regulation.

    But “Tony” says Jim Himes isn’t “independent.” Absolutely right…unless the truth means anything to you.

  2. Sean says:

    “Tony” thinks Jim Himes is “mindless”. OK. Tony’s talking about Jim Himes, right? The Harvard graduate? Rhodes Scholar? Master’s degree from Oxford University? Former executive with a top investment bank? Expert on Latin American finance? Executive director of a major national non-profit that joined with the city of New York in a billion-dollar project to build affordable housing? That Jim Himes? “Mindless”?

    Sure, Tony. Whatever you say.

  3. Tony says:

    I can’t wait for November to help replace this guy
    He is a mindless sycophant of Obama who has shown no independent or creative thinking whatsoever
    He is also linked to controversial donations from Goldman Sachs an Un-American Institution that preys on the middle class and poor…..HIT THE ROAD HIMES!!!!