Rell delivers final convention speech, but Cafero gets the crowd going

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7 Responses

  1. Geoia Beyer says:

    I think the citizens of connecticut need to rite in Larry Cafero as the Candidate. Infortuanately , he chose not to run but I wonder if with some pressure????

  2. WakeUp says:

    Farewell Rell….just another R.I.N.O. in CT.

  3. reader says:

    Let’s face it. Cafero is a blow hard and not well liked. Just because you are an attack dog does not make you an effective leader or representative of your district. What has he ever done for the 142nd?

  4. FuzzyChicken says:

    A lot of delegates walked out….just let the rino go off into Florida pastures to retire.

    CT needs a Governor, Lt. Gov and Attorney General to protect them from the over reaching hartford legislature and federal government …. which Rell and BlumenDodd have no interest in doing.

    We also need a conservative Governor, Lt. Gove and AG…to date it looks like Foley, Boughton and Dean are the only candidates that have the people in mind… not the ole boys network. Fidele and Nelson (Oz) are tied to the hips of the super delegates. Dean and Foley are for the people not the political elite.

    Go FOLEY! Go Dean! Go Boughton!

  5. Mike says:

    Cafero for Governor!!! Rell is useless.

  6. Joe afr says:

    Yes her son had some do little gov job. I think is was liasion to the president of the senate(lt gov.) When she became govenor, there was a new lt. gov so they gave her son a job in reserch ??? Our state is in far worst fiscal mess then California. There are not enough rich people or businesses to tax to get us out of this mess. My democrate legislatoe gets mad at me when I ask him about how will they save our state from fiscal disaster. They created it.And they like it.

  7. fred mass says:

    Rell is useless . She has always been a rino. As long as some of her family had government jobs,and some say state contracts, she never has met a bloated democrate budget she did not like. Now she wants to put the 4 billion dollar deficit on the state credit card!! How responsible is that !!