Malloy Responds to Q Poll

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  1. matt says:

    Just as a quick reality check, from an MLN comment…

    “GHY [Lamont’s internal poll] showed Ned +9, Dan +1 from March to May (net +8 for Ned), with the poll in the field during his Glassman announcement. Q[uinnipiac] shows Ned +13, Dan +6 (net +7 for Ned) during Malloy’s post-convention media wave. It seems that the two are measuring the same underlying reality, but which has the better methodology (should you push leaners, or screen for primary voters?) is something that’s a matter of opinion. I certainly don’t have an educated opinion as to which is better (though the lack of [methodology] disclosure is why nobody FPed [i.e. published as news] the GHY polls here).”