Tell me who you walk with, and I’ll tell you who you are

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12 Responses

  1. paul says:

    Himes hasn’t helped CT at all except to relieve it of cash and dig it further into debt. Did his support of healthcare reform help CT or create an unfunded mandate that will result in the reduction of municipal and state services, loss of teachers, firefighters and police. CT pays more taxes per capita and receives less than almost any other state. Where are the jobs? Where is the money from the stimulus bill he supported? Himes is a puppet of the dem party and he votes the way they tell him.

  2. ccdemuth says:

    Be Heard

    Across the country and in Fairfield County, most Americans opposed the healthcare bill. But Jim Himes didn’t hear us and voted yes.

    The stimulus? Most of us didn’t want it. Himes didn’t listen. He voted yes.

    Cap and trade? In Connecticut, most voters said no. In Washington, Jim Himes voted yes.

    End the secret ballot in union elections? Again, his constituents said no. Jim Himes voted yes.

    Raising taxes? Most voters say no. Himes yes.

    If Jim Himes does not listen to you, then you should know that you are not alone. By a wide margin, voters across the country and in Fairfield County oppose the Nancy Pelosi and Jim Himes’ position on the issues. If you want to send Jim Himes a message that he can hear, you can support his opponent, Dan Debicella, here:

    Jim Himes can’t hear us. On November 2nd, let’s turn up the volume.

  3. Lee Kennedy-Shaffer says:

    I’m sure Jim is proud to welcome President Obama to our area, as we all are. The president and Jim are proud to have worked together to begin the process of fixing our economy, to reform health care, to institute Wall Street reform, and to improve transparency and accountability in Washington. In my mind, President Obama is always welcome to southwestern CT.

  4. Dempd\sey Dem says:

    You put Congressman Himes ‘on the spot’ as to whether he would welcome the President of The United States to Connecticut and our district? Have we become so jaded and twisted that it would be proper to turn our backs on the President as Mr. Debicella implies? A lot of help that is going to do if by chance Mr Debicella wins.

    There is more at stake here than Mr. Debicella’s election; We have 10,000 jobs at risk in the defense industry in Connecticut.

  5. MJ says:

    This is yet another attempt by Republicans to use fodder they don’t have: guilt by association. It’s irrelevant what anyone “suggests,” even if it’s someone as weighty as Democratic Party Chairman John Droney. In my various meetings with him, it is obvious that Congressman Himes is completely supportive of President Obama visiting CT. Obama knows it, Himes knows it, and every other citizen of CT (including myself) better know it. I find it ridiculous that this is even an issue.

    And Debicella ought to do a better job of finding ways to petulantly blame Republican failures (many of which trace back to Reagan’s see-no-evil deregulatory policies) on Obama’s valiant attempts to pull us out of this economic pitfall.

    Jim Himes and President Obama have a healthy, unbending relationship, impervious to the sad punditry that surrounds the President’s upcoming visit to Connecticut. Obama’s arrival in CT will be welcomed not only by Himes, but by me and every CT resident I know, Republican or Democrat. And THAT’s the truth.

  6. Alexis says:

    Jim Himes is nothing but an independent voice in Washington and a champion of the rights of citizens in the fourth district. As a democrat and as an American, Congressman Himes would surely welcome President Obama to our district with open arms, as we all should. I disagree that the President’s visit to Connecticut must be seen as either a positive of negative issue, especially for the fates of democratic candidates come election day. Jim Himes’ record in Congress is not one of complacency, instead it is filled with individual decisions, many of which strayed away from party expectations. Jim Himes votes for our district, not for party mandates. However, his support of the president’s visit to our state should not be seen as an isolation of Republican or Independent voters, instead the President’s visit can be viewed as a unified force and way for him to better understand the concerns of the fourth district. Jim Himes is not trying to run away from his party or the President, he is in full support of the President’s impending visit, and in my opinion, red or blue, we all should be.

  7. Leah says:

    A visit from the President would be a positive one and Jim’s comments show that he welcomes it. The Dems have been hard at work and Jim’s support remains high in our county. The fact that Jim might be in DC for Congressional votes during the President’s visit doesn’t mean that Jim’s “shrugging off the very coattails he rode to Washington,” rather that Jim would be doing his job for CT and I can’t see why any of us would object to that.

  8. Susie says:

    I don’t think Congressman Himes is trying to “duck” anything; we’re talking about the President of United States. I think anyone, Republican or Democrat, would welcome their political leader to their district. Jim Himes has done just that. I’m sure Congressman Himes’ support of the President is high, he’s our President. I think the voters derseve someone better than a guy who is “hoping to feast” on a visit from our President.

  9. Mike Vago says:

    Droney isn’t Himes. I’m sure Himes is delighted to have the President supporting his campaign. The two men have been working towards the same things – getting us out of the recession, bringing more jobs into Connecticut, getting more Americans health care, and working to try and solve this country’s problems.

    Debicella is a typical Republican, blaming Obama, Himes and other Democrats for not cleaning up the mess the Republicans made. Unemployment’s around 10%? It would have been a lot worse without the stimulus bill creating jobs all over the state. This country was losing 700,000 jobs a month when Bush left office, and now we’re growing again. Is it fast enough? Not for anyone who’s still out of work. But it’s a heck of a lot better than we’d be doing if we stuck with Bushanomics, which is exactly what Debicella seems to want.

  10. Conor says:

    President Obama won overwhelmingly in Fairfield County. As a Fairfielder, I know that to be very true. People respect, know, and support the man they voted for. Obama’s policies have helped Fairfield County starting with the stimulus, Lilly Ledbetter Act, and Health Insurance Reform. Himes also has been an advocate for my district, and the presence of both will be a nice treat for Fairfield County.

  11. Charles says:

    Why is the reporter here attempting to make something out of nothing? Jim Himes clearly welcomes a visit from Obama and would be well-served by one. Mr. Himes knows that-hence his quote. It is absurd that the reporter of this article goes and gets an opposition quote here as well, for something Mr. Himes is not opposed to, what a non-story! Let’s be clear, no one is running from the President.

    More and more these days political journalism has stooped to this low level of trying to turn a non-issue into something that will make people upset. Also there is a horrible grammar mistake in paragraph four: “Which a Himes aide might conflict with the congressional vote schedule.” The reporter needs to do a better job here both in substance and grammar.

  12. Milhouse says:

    Voters in this district know full well who’s had their backs since the failures of the last decade came crashing down on their heads. The President of the United States is more that welcome, and Jim Himes will be the first to welcome him. Who wouldn’t welcome the president? Well, the lunatics who will be outside with offensive signs and conspiracy theories won’t. If that’s who Debicella is relying on, I have bad news for him: the moderate voters might be quiet, but they recognize Jim Himes’ sensible approach and will support him at the ballot box.