McMahon gives Obama a wide berth — 100 miles and 6 counties

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9 Responses

  1. Ellen says:

    Tell me how many people the “lawyer” employed.
    Then tell me how many people the “businesswoman” employed.
    Neither is perfect, but I’ll take the woman who wants to put people
    back to work, rather than the man who would put more people on taxpayer funded welfare.

  2. Bryan says:

    Mom thinks raising taxes on the rich is the answer.

    This year, the party of ‘no’ suits me much bettter than the party of ‘no clue’.

    Here is the problem. Mom lacks a basic understanding of simple economics and the fact that net producers always pass costs down to net consumers. Therefore a tax increase on the “rich” ends up costing the poor even more.

    When Congress refuses to extend the capital gains tax to the “rich” what does Mom think will happen?

    I will tell you. The “rich” will take their monies out of equities to avoid the nearly 300% tax increase that will take effect after 12/31/2010. Since they have the majority of the equity stake, the stock markets will tank and the average joe’s 401k will take 10 years to recover.

    This loss of wealth in the average person’s retirement account will have a tremendous impact on the economy as they will have less money to spend. Job losses will mount. The rich will still have money, but the poor and middle class will have even less.

    Blumenthal has been asleep at the wheel while Hartford has been fleeced. CT is the most indebted state in the union per capita. Where was Dick when the theives in Hartford were fleecing us?

    Electing Dick to the senate will just be another nail in the coffin. The Dems will eventually tank the dollar and land us in WW3 at their current pace. The world is much more dangerous with these amateurs in the White House now and we can’t afford a congress that rubberstamps their destructive policies.

  3. Tom says:


    You have been drinking the Kool-aid too long. No chance to climb out of poverty? Do you realize that Obama and his cronies have resided over the largest increase in the poverty rate since the 1960’s??
    Tell me sir what is the unemployment rate in this country? What is the poverty rate? Socialism does not work.

    Our children? So you want to teach our children that it is ok to lie about military service in a war and still represent thousands of people on critical votes?

    What is happening to this country when the President can say things like..”at some point I think you’ve made enough money” and people are not outraged in this state? The man you probably voted for for President is a fool and understands nothing about working America. He never worked doing anything but running for office.

    Yes, we can all see how great the country is now that Obama is in charge and spent my money, my grandchildren’s money and your money on a failed stimulus.

    You are right about one thing though, the hit back is coming. It starts in November. I don’t care if it is a Rep or Dem those who have stolen our money without our permission are going to pay.

    Then in two years after that we the people will also send a community in chicago back its lost organizer.

  4. Cappy says:

    Also, good that Linda was campaigning somewhere else. She going to need to do allot of campaigning up to election.

    Wow! another news flash….while she is pumping millions and millions of dollars into her run for senate…she got the George Bush tax cut back in 2001. It made her even richer….what did you poor middle class republicans get…nothing……so who is she really going to fighting for….please, while the country is coming out of a recession she has millions of her own dollars to pump into a run for the senate…we are not talking about thousands…we are talking about MILLIONS of dollars…Her interest in Washington will be to keep you poor Middle Class republicans from getting anything…..Remember unemployment helps everyone…….

  5. Cappy says:

    how is your stock portofolio doing. Because just over a year ago I had lost 50%. Now its growing….(lol). Wake up and smell the roses. The republican party don’t give a dam about you the middle class. News Flash- Most republicans are middle class….! but you allow the rich republicans to run your party and what do they do? favor their rich buddies…when are you people truly are going to wake up. If you don’t want a black man running the country just say so. Don’t hide behind the mask. Its okay to be be a racist….thats your choice. Allot of people don’t like different nationality. The Jews are disliked, blacks, hispanic and poor trash…

    You morons couldn’t see progress if it was sitting next to you. You fake right wing followers just want to hear all bad stuff.

  6. Scarlet says:

    Really, “Mom”? Just how much of the tired, played out “workers of the world unite” Kool aid have you consumed? Unite against whom, exactly?
    No schools for minorities? What? Your fearless leader closed all the successful charter schools in DC; schools that were serving the very students you speak of. No health care? Again, what? We have health care, the best in the world. Health care insurance is a very different thing and not an entitlement, my dear. No relief for the working class? Reduntantly, what? How about unions who refuse to lower or furlough the dues workers must pay? If, as you say, the Republican Party is the party of no, did you ever stop to reason why you “think” that is? First – that phrase is just the childish mantra of the Democrat Party, the party that has deteriorated into something just shy of the Communist Party and not very shy at that. The party of elitism, class warfare and group”think” (think being a relative term). Be watchful because whether you believe it or not, they don’t care about the “working class” at all. You are being used to give them the power to control that they crave. Those at the “top” will end up wealthier than you can imagine and you, madam “seminar poster”, will live in poverty at their hands.

  7. Mom says:

    And what exactly are McMahon’s ideas? More tax breaks for herself? Breaking news, its not going to work. Burn all ya have, Linda and Vince but how about spending some here in CT. All those mailers that your sending to everyone, even deceased folks that have been gone a decade and more are not published in CT. Whats up with that, we have no ink here? The republicans are the party of no. No relief to the working class. No health care. No schools for minorities. No chance to climb out of poverty and oppression. Well, we, the working class, the backbone of this country have a message for you. You can fool all of us folks some of the time but cant fool all of us all of the time.
    Smackdown? This isnt some brain mush tv show. This is our country, our childrenns future. And for stakes as large as these, we hit back.

  8. Paul G. Littlefield says:

    Neil, for you to draw our attention away from Obama dining with the fatcats in Greenwich to the fresh breath of life in politics, things have got to be bad in the liberal press room. Willamantic is in CT as you point out and the people there do vote and they are eager to hear good news for a change. More and more people everywhere are excited about Linda and her ideas to bring CT and the country out of the economic morass that Obama has put us in.

    Linda has e gravitas to be a very influential senator, leading to economic and job recovery.

  9. E says:

    Gee, do you think maybe Linda has these events planned before the President decided to grace Dick Blumenthal with his money-raising presence?