Blumenthal opens up double digit lead in Q-Poll

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8 Responses

  1. annyct says:

    @ Robert: Why on earth would you want another “politician” in Washington? The Senate and House reps have NO experience with the economy or business! The national debt keeps rising because of the Keynesian economic policy employed by the govt. Linda knows that this is the wrong road to go down. Europe is just now discovering this. Mr. Blumenthal’s only experience is driving businesses OUT of CT! He will support the Tax and Spend, bail out, stimulus philosophy of the present administration! Please think again, Robert. We WANT the unknowing politicians OUT and the astute economic savvy people in!

  2. annyct says:

    @ Robert: Why on earth would you want another “politician” in Washington? The Senate and House reps have NO experience with the economy or business! The national debt keeps rising because of the Keynesian economic policy employed by the govt. Linda knows that this is the wrong road to go down. Europe is just now discovering this. Mr. Blumenthal’s only experience is driving businesses OUT of CT! He will support the Tax and Spend, bail out, stimulus philosophy of the present administration! Please think again, Robert. We WANT the unknowing politicians OUT and the astute economic savvy people in!

  3. Libertarian says:

    This man is a liar and loves nobama and his policies and the people of ct want him to represent us. It’s crazy! I will be casting my vote for Linda and hope enough people wake up in time to see the error of voting for blumenthal.

  4. With all-due praise and respect for Ms Linda McMahon the public record indicates that Ms McMahon does not have experience in public service as a elected official. May it be suggested that if Ms. McMahpn has an interest in serving the public,that she seeks a lesser political office to sharpen her political skills and prove to the public that she is worthy of office.

    Robert E. Dreier
    17 Putter Drive

  5. Frank S. says:

    The Quinnipiac Poll is wrong, VOTERS are not buying thier nonsense ###’s of a poll.

  6. annyct says:

    I agree whole heartedly with Michael and Paul! Please, no more tax and spend. Mr. Blumenthal has said that he will continue the legacy of Chris Dodd, the Chairman of the Banking Committee that received the “sweetheart deals” from Countrywide’s Angelo Mozilo (civil fraud and insider trading) Wow, aren’t we lucky! Linda is a savvy business woman, an asset in DC. We do want to rid ourselves of Dick but is that any reason to inflict him on America? What if we just send him on a vacation, say to a place he’s never been….how about Vietnam!

  7. Paul G. Littlefield says:

    While the size of the lead in the latest Q poll may bother Linda’s supporters, the question is why isn’t it larger, considering Blumenthal’s 26 year period of public exposure. Linda is the underdog, a political newcomer, in a close race and polls will fluctuate. The only one that counts is the one on November 2.

    Blumenthal’s typical liberal socialist strategy, engaging in personal destruction, throwing lies and derogatory epithets at Linda, hoping they will be spread by the media, may be working at present.

    Linda is honest, decent, hardworking and worthy of the trust of all workers and voters, union members, mothers, wives and young adults. Send Linda to Washington to get the economy and jobs flowing again and stem the tide of tax and spend with dollars we don’t have.

  8. Michael Toppeta says:

    It has to be mostly women, because no self-respecting man could vote for a man who would actually lie about his Military service. It is a testament of what he is willing to do and his lack of integirty. It is a shame anyone would put this man in a position of public trust. We have enough liars and cheats in private business, we don’t need to openly and knowingly invite them into our government.