New Quinnipiac University Poll Blumenthal Keeps Double-Digit Lead Over McMahon, Malloy Lead Over Foley Shrinks

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4 Responses

  1. CodeWord47 says:

    “The Connecticut Republican Party should forever be embarrassed it selected Ms. McMahon for this race over Rob Simmons, a former congressman, decorated veteran and party loyalist, and for one reason only – she had money”- New London Day 23 October 2010

    Enough said.

  2. Kevin says:

    Why would you vote for Foley? All he is trying to do is buy the election like Linda. He ran his businesses into the ground, at least Malloy knows what he is doing. CT is in rough shape, high taxes & unemployment. The roads are full of pot holes and trees over grown over signs. We have had 20 years of Republican govenors Weiker (1990-94), Rowland (1994-2004) amd Rell (2004-10). We need a change. Don’t continue with the curse.

  3. Why would you vote for Malloy after he messed up Stamford big time. He cant even control his family.

  4. annyct says:

    And why is Dick’s lead comfortable? Makes you seriously think what’s going on in the minds of CT residents. Since 1991, Mr. Blumenthal has been the Nutmeg State’s Attorney General, earning a reputation for aggressive, politically tinged and high-profile prosecutions. He has accused hundreds of people and businesses of misrepresentation and fraud that is often less egregious than his own untruthful claims (Yeah, Dick, how was that tour in Nam?).
    Mr. Blumenthal has made his crusading ways a large selling point in his bid to replace the retiring Chris Dodd(who he REFUSED to prosecute and let off the hook for the Countrywide Sweetheart deals). The STATE PRESS (CT Post) generally goes along. He deflects criticism that his methods scare investors and jobs away from the state, and he even says that his prosecutions bring in revenue by coercing fines out of companies. Lawsuits don’t create jobs, entrepreneurs create jobs, Mr.AG! Mr. Blumenthal has cultivated a reputation as the Eliot Spitzer of Connecticut. In 2007, the Competitive Enterprise Institute rated Mr. Blumenthal the worst state AG, beating Mr. Spitzer, which takes some doing. Apparently, CT residents WANT more TAX and SPEND. The “hope and change” has now become “bait and switch.”

  5. Michael says:

    Newsflash: The good citizens of Connecticut have once again voted against their own interests for the umpteenth time. Connecticut voters, in a resounding leap of common sense, reenforced their commitment to higher taxes, lost jobs and self euthanasia. Oily Dick Blumenthal is chosen as their next United States senator because he is not Linda Mcmahon. Dirty Dick, who actually had the temerity to pad his resume’ w/a stint in Vietnam is the new chosen leader. This begs the question:WHY? The gender gap comes into play here. Females figure it is beneath them, being from Connecticut and all, to vote in the interests of their menfolk. Who is hit hardest by unemployment? Guess. When asked how one creates a job, dirty Dick whiffed bigtime. How does a attorney general not know economics 101. Besides tripping over his tongue and sounding like a school boy who’s dog ate his homework, this guy is oily and pathetic. I moved from NY to get away from just such nonsense and the urbane sophisticate wannabes happen to be everywhere in the northeast. How sad. Take a look at TX, which is one of the few success stories, despite the Dems in DC. It’s not run by holier than thou Democrats, who are ruining this once great country. Like they say in a bestseller: You reap what you sow!