Bysiewicz: Malloy wins by 3,103 votes

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9 Responses

  1. Jeffrey says:

    anyone heard of DISENFRANCHISEMENT? shameful coincidence that African Americans were turned away from the polls in Bridgeport because they didnt have enough ballots…probably just a bungled mess, but too reminiscent of Literacy Tests, Grandfather Clauses and Poll Taxes…is Connecticut the “new” Florida Butterfly Ballot state that can’t even properly handle an election?

  2. invictus says:

    McWrestle and Folly must assess what’s next because that circus act must now seek out another venue. Recount if you muast but the curtain closed a bit after 12 this morning-

  3. Sean says:

    …and it only goes to a recount if the margin is within 2000 votes. However, I wouldn’t put it past Foley to waste more taxpayer money trying to buy what he couldn’t win.

  4. Sean says:

    Of course, Republicans always cry foul when they lose. Did it ever occur to you that we live in a blue state? Linda never stood a chance. Foley had a bit more of a shot, but nobody should be surprised at the results.

  5. Jonathan says:

    Bysiewicz was a horrible Sec. of State and an even horrible candidate, first for Governor, then for Attorney General. Then she was thrown out entirely. She should have never called the race this early. This may be one of the closest Governor races, if not the closest. Also, Bridgeport and New Haven are the only remaining cities to be counted. Debicella conceded because he knows he cannot make up the difference in Bridgeport. This will go to a recount and the lawyers will be coming to town.

  6. Laura says:

    I feel corrution in this election in Bridgeport then they had to count the votes! I went to vote they just asked for my name but never asked for ID.

  7. Greg says:

    given the ballot issues ib Bridgeport I think there should be a recount. either way voters need to know and be confident in the end result.

  8. Robbie says:

    I smell a rat…………there has to be a legal challenge in this
    election AND a recount!

  9. Full Disclosure says:

    Yea ok …..Gee what a surprise……

    It’s time for Linda and Tom and company to spend some of their milliongs and make sure that EVERY vote was counted for and accounted for. If an election ever smells corrupt it is this one ! and why did Dan Debicella concede last night when he is leading now with 85% precincts reporting….