Working Families takes credit for Malloy win

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10 Responses

  1. I’m proud to have been a Working Families Party candidate for the 107th Assembly District – and received a higher percentage of the vote than any other third-party candidate in Connecticut except one.

    The Democratic Party in Brookfield rarely runs candidates for office. In fact, they have not endorsed a candidate for the 107th since 2000, and at best paid lip-service to that candidate. Shame on them for conceding election after election. The Republican Party also wimps out in many local election. How can our system of government be strong if the two major parties fail to put incumbents to the test.

    The Working Families Party is exactly as the name implies. I am a small businessman. I recognize that the Republican Party claims to represent small businesspeople – but that is far from the truth.

    I suggest that the two major parties be replaced by our enormous number of “Unaffiliated” voters joining either the Working Families Party, the Green Party or the Libertarian Party.

  2. Publius says:

    I don’t think the Working Family Party is deliberately misleading anyone. I think you juat aren’t familiar with them. The last debate I attended that included a WFP candidate, he quite clearly expressed what the party is about.

    Yes, the economy is bad, but didn’t Pavia just raise taxes this year, in the midst of the bad economy? and didn’t Pavia and the BOF and BOR just approve an increase in pay for municipal unions in the midst of a close to zero inflation time?

    I’m not being critical of Pavia; just pointing out that the city has to continue to provide services when the economy is weak, and municipal labor unions have an arbitration process to settle their pay packages. That system falls on Democratic and Republican mayors alike.

  3. heydude says:

    Sorry to inform you Ben Williams, but 1) illegal immigrants can’t and don’t vote (if you think they do, provide proof, not vague assertions) and 2) the votes of people on welfare count for just as much as the votes of anyone else. If you want a country where voting is limited to only land owners or business owners or whatever other group you favor, your best course of action would be to leave America, as this country works on a democracy where the vote of every citizen counts the same. But I’m sure you knew that, since this is “your” country.

  4. Bon says:

    Publius, I agree with your first two points, but was unaware of the Conservative Party in NYS. My point was that the Working Family Pary is deliberately misleading people by not disclosing what they’re really all about. Taxes may have gone up as much as inflation, but people were and are out of work in great numbers and many are losing their homes. I don’t feel that it’s appropriate to keep raising taxes when so many people are barely hanging on. And yes, I’ve been aware that my health insurance has also risen each year, and I even had to drop it for awhile when we had no work; but President Obama said that revisions to the healthcare system would make it more affordable. It’s not.

  5. Ben Williams says:

    So basically we have 25,000 illegals and welfare families skewing an election so they can keep receiving public assistance. Why can’t we just deport these people who are illegal to begin with?? Go get free health-care and education in your own country. We aren’t going to let you destroy ours. The Unions are just as corrupt and represent what is wrong with the USA.

  6. Publius says:

    1, It’s a free country, Bon. Anyone can start a political party and get on the ballot. And they can endorse whomever they want. OF COURSE they aren’t “non-biased”. They are very liberal. Just like the Conservative Party in NYS tends to endorse Repubiican candidates, and their votes are added to the Republican line.

    2. “Working Family Party” is the name they chose for their party. Anyone can form a party and call it whatever they want. Then the voters can vote for it or not.

    3. The “current climate” was caused by a failed Republican administration that cut taxe, created a huge deficit, and increased spending and called itself “conservative”.

    4. This fable about taxes going up under Malloy is just that. Taxes under Malloy went up about as much as inflation.

    5. It’s fascinating to me that health insurance costs have been rising over 10% a year for the past 10-15 years, but suddenly you just discovered it.

  7. Bon says:

    My point is, they aren’t really non-biased. Acorn and unions are known to almost always endorse Democrats. “Working Families” is misleading, as I suspect the majority of us are in working families. A family business is definitely a working family, but the current climate is prohibiting most small businesses from re-hiring people that had to be let go due to the economy. Most business owners tend to be Republican. And as for fair taxes for the middle class, who are they trying to kid? Look how taxes went up in Stamford under Malloy’s reign, yet they put him forth as their candidate. They are a special interest group, under the guise of helping working families. I can’t speak for anyone else but my family’s insurance premium was just increased by $300 a month since Obamacare was enacted.

  8. n8 says:

    Go WFP!

  9. heydude says:

    What’s your point?

  10. Bon says:

    They neglected to mention that the Working Families Party was established by Acorn and a coalition of Unions.