Vote totals change again. Malloy: 566,671. Foley 560,861

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19 Responses

  1. Publius says:

    Once again, David: Stamford is one o fthe most successful cities in the entire country, and certainly the most successful in CT. Yes, the construction of the Urban Transitway has moved far too slowly, but that is a minor issue.

    You may have noticed that there is a general worldwide recession. Stamford is not immune to its effects. So this is a bad time to evaluate how Stamford is doing.

    But compare Stamford to any other city and look how successful it is. As i said, there are hundreds of housing units currently being built; there are office developments being built and leased. Trump Parc and Highgrove are luxury condos, which have been affected by the recession. But look at the two new rental projects in the South End. They were rented as they were being completed, and people are moving in while the buildings are still being worked on. B&LT just requested another large building at Y&T because the first was so successful. The St Andrews project is almost complete and there is a new proposal for the corner of North and Washington.

    And Stamford has a AAA bond rating from both S&P and Moody’s, one of the few cities in the country to have that.

  2. le_aviateur21 says:

    I wholeheartedly concur with “Mr. Cooper”. One need only peruse historical photos of our fair city to see what a shambles it has become. The entire sector below Tresser Blvd is a veritable wasteland consisting of a barren canyon of corporate fortresses with no appeal for commercial or pedestrian traffic whatsoever. And the big name local developers who work hand in glove with the city’s urban planners, including those soon to retire, are attempting to expand this debacle northward. Had our former mayor remained in office and the economy not floundered this architectural cancer would undoubtedly have spread to the detriment of all. Furthermore, to say that the city is on sound financial footing is to blatantly ignore the facts. Public debt financing under the prior administration grew exponentially and now totals almost $480 million. Assuming a resident working populace of 120K according to the 2007 censue this works out to roughly $4100 in ongoing debt borne by every citizen. Assuming that, this being a suburb, 50% of those can be excluded as children or nonworking spouses, the debt is $8200 per worker, which is exceedingly high for a city this size. And this is on top of the high annual taxes which must be paid for real estate and personal property and almost everything else the city can tax. The City that Works would more aptly be termed The City that Pays Taxes. The former mayor repeatedly quoted the major ratings agencies as proof that Stamford’s financial stability was something to be proud of. Yet one need only review the mess that these same agencies made of the national housing market with their fraudulent and grossly misleading ratings for the convenience of CDO issuers to see that their work product is speculative at best, fraudulent and criminal at worst. And furthermore, please do not even mention job creation, yet another smoke and mirrors claim by our former administration. Moving a large corporate headquarters to town is not job creation it is job transferral. Supporting growth of innovative small businesses is real job growth and creation but is something that this city has determined is not worth the effort instead opting for the easy way out, negotiating overly generous tax subsidies at the expense of the same taxpayers who live here. Publius, either your naivete and gullibility are nothing short of amazing, or your guile and subterfuge in support of the former mayor are intentional for your own advancement.

  3. David M. Cooper says:

    Post my comments.

  4. David M. Cooper says:

    Publius, Stop drinking the Malloy Kool-Ade!! Just drive down Elm street and see the crappy roads! Just drive down Summer Street and see the Office Vacancy signs, not to mention the empty former General Reinssurance building or the vacant Ge Capital buildings on Long Ridge!!! If the housing market is doing so well ask Tom Rich why Trump Parc Stamford is not selling any units or Highgrove!!! Also please explain why the Stamford Taxpayers are spending over $350,000 annually in Interest payments alone on the Old Town hall, a building which serves no purpose but there is no money in the Budget to fix a $120,000 sprinkler system for Springdale School?? Not to mention how badly the Old Mill River park looks after all the trees were cut down and over 16 million dollars spent!! These are the legacies left by the Malloy Administration!!

  5. Publius says:

    matt,it is interesting you think Malloy destroyed Stamford’s economy. In fact, Stamford is one of the most successful cities over 100,000 in the entire country. In the midst of a huge recession and housing depression, Stamford is seeing new housing developments, new office building, and new retail. Contrary to the partisan Malloy bashers, Stamford is in excellent condition given the national economy, and poised for great gains once the national economy recovers.

  6. Publius says:

    Jack, you have the same problem as the Bridgeport registrars. It isn’t as if all the 21,000 Ballots are interchangeable. Different polling places have different ballots because they are in different state rep and senate districts. So some of the Bridgeport polling places may have had more ballots than they needed, and others had too few. Even if only 20,000 voters had shown up, some polling places would have run short.

    That is in addition to the voided ballots.

    As for the “chaos”, I have heard many polling places lacked adequate staff because poll workers didn’t show up. That would certainly add to the confusion. And given the incompetence of the registrars in ordering ballots, they may well have had other shortcomings.

  7. I totally agree with you but how can I get the exact information about Alabama state tax brackets for 2010 taxes. I think e filing is the best method for state and federal tax filing.

  8. Joe Preston says:

    Typical Republican response — they are sore losers. Malloy won a majority — live with it. If the Bridgeport vote had gone their way they would love it. Thank God at least here in CT people were smart enough to not allow their elected officials to be bought and paid for by the “Republicorp”

  9. David says:

    How many state budgets have the Democrats used their veto proof majority to pass? None that I can think of. Weicker was the last Governor who made the legislature stay in session until they passed a budget he wanted. Rell and Rowland caved in and negotiated when the Dems didn’t have the votes to override. They had no interst in being leaders.

  10. Wilton Mother says:

    Mr Right, you seem to hear that sucking sound loud and clear. Maybe you should take the hint. The problem isn’t spending. The problem is the lack of vision that has afflicted the state for the last 50 years. It’s convenient to blame one party or the other, isn’t it? You’re very good at it.

  11. Jack says:

    Here is one of the headlines: BRIDGEPORT ‘CHAOS’: 21,000 ballots readied for 69,000 registered voters. But only 22,072 people voted so why was there so much Chaos? The Bridgeport vote went for Malloy, with 17,973 votes to Republican Tom Foley’s 4,099. The news made it seem that all 69,000 registered voters wanted to vote but even after keeping the election open until 10pm Bridgeport was only short 1,072 ballots. Something is not adding up in Bridgeport again folks!

  12. Matt says:

    Republican administration? Who are you kidding? So we have a Rebub Governor, but the state legislature(where all the laws are made, by the way) is 75% democrat. And even if Rell vetoed something, the Dems could easily override her veto.

    She had her hands tied constantly, and the only reason the state isn’t out of control is because of her. All will go downhill quickly. Malloy destroyed Stamford’s economy, and he’ll do the same to the state.

  13. derrick damingoes says:

    the election was lost not in bridgeport but danbury, fairfield. Danbury needed to give a strong support to their mayor but did not. Wesport was against Tea party politics therfore voted against foley.

  14. lorraine says:

    to Mr Right,,

    WHINE, WHINE, WHINE….just like crybaby Foley who wrote a ridiculous letter to the Post after the paper endorsed Malloy (“Mommy, they like him better than they like me!”) That’s only one reason why I am glad taht this girlyman will not be in Hartford,

    Typical Republican—nno brains,no class

  15. Mr.Right says:

    “M” shows why idiots in CT should not be allowed to vote.

    Republican administration? Republicans have controlled what; Attorney General? No. Treasurer? No. Comptroller? No. Secretary of the State? No. And, haven’t the Democrats controlled both houses of the legislature for 31 of the last 33 years? Yes. And, haven’t Democrats had a veto-proof majority for the past 8 years? Yes. And, doesn’t all spending originate in the general assembly? Yes.

    So, “M”, who has controlled the spending and tax-raising in CT? Democrats, with at least some impediment by a Republican veto pen. Now we will have the “Iron Triangle” of spendo-crats: Martin Looney (D) Senate Majority Leader, Christopher Donovan (D) Speaker of the House, Dannel Malloy (D) Governor to run rough-shod over those of us who work.

    Hear that giant sucking sound? It’s people leaving CT.

  16. m says:

    So our taxes haven’t gone up at all in the past 15 years of Republican administrations? Wow, no wonder you people vote Republican.

  17. Wendy says:

    YTour kidding right…Foley..there is no way I’d concede this reeks of Democratic Party fraud.

  18. Rusty says:

    Up go our state income and sales taxes, here come added regulations on business, giveaways to unions coming, and then watch more jobs leave the state.

    That is what CT is in for with the Malloy administration. CT is going the opposite way of every other state in the country, except California. We deserve what we get for being such a stupid voter constituent.

  19. Mr.Right says:

    Coming in under the cloud of suspicion and negativity, Malloy can count on his corrupt administration to serve only one term before they are turned out, and with losses to the Democrats also in both houses of the state legislature.