Malloy Budget Czar: We’re gonna get union concessions … um … somehow…

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3 Responses

  1. Ralph says:

    One term Malloy will never ask too much of unions. How can you when you show up at a union rally? Like Obama, Malloy made the wrong choice in selecting people in his administration. He brought in hyper partisans like Occhiogrosso and McDonald. He’s also appointed friends who are adequately unqualified, such as Barnes and Camhi. Being nice, loveable, and adorable are not sufficient qualifications. Hope he enjoys the free housing for the next 4 years because there is ZERO percent chance he will get elected. Absent Bridgeport, he would have LOST the race.

  2. Rudy Hrubala says:

    I believe the Governor should take lessons on how to make the truly difficult choices from the governors of NY, NJ, and WI. His proposed budget lacks creativity and imagination and will do little to solve the budget crisis here in CT for the long term. Those residents who voted for him will soon realize “business as usual” is not acceptable.

  3. Magdalene Perez says:

    He probably intends to secure concessions the same way Mayor Pavia did here in Stamford: threaten layoffs.