Malloy on ‘Morning Joe’: I have feelings

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6 Responses

  1. How to says:

    I think youve made some actually interesting points. Not also many people would truly think about this the way you just did. Im genuinely impressed that theres so considerably about this topic thats been uncovered and you did it so well, with so substantially class. Superior 1 you, man! Truly good things here.

  2. taxpayer says:

    Instead of taxing working people. Cut the welfare! No more, people better start protesting or everything you worked for will be gone in 5 years. You will be eating mac & cheese from the dollar stores.

    And get rid of the illegals – NOW

  3. Liberty says:

    That was an extremely interesting interview. Of course to say everything must be on the table, but give no examples of cuts is a cop-out. However, I’m not sure the discussion should be about the federal budget. CT is the subject and Yes, it was a veto-proof Democrat majority budget that never addressed the issue of the 20 year contract with the state that Gov. Rowland signed. Both were wrong. Now, the proof is in the pudding. I want to see what Gov. Malloy is able to negotiate with the Unions. I do not buy that any business in CT is happy with the taxes and other burdens they bear. I also want to see these businesses who are ready to come here, actually come here. Good luck, I really do wish you success, it will not be easy.

  4. Ira Ratner says:

    The State of Connecticut has to CUT SPENDING, CUT TAXES AND CUT THE PERSONNEL. The benefits for State employees must have a greater share be paid for by the employees. The State cannot afford them. Try what Costa Mesa, CA is doing, lay off the workers and let private enterprise bid for the work and use former state employees.

  5. jschmidt says:

    Would he say the Democrat controlled legislature didn’t work as well? Everything has to be approved by them and they will never turn on the unions.

  6. George Sincavage says:

    CT is one of the worst states for retirees. I do not see how raising taxes helps business as it raises the cost of labor. CT is one of the highest rates for benefits in workers compensation- it should be lowered to average that of neighboring states. Also we should not have a welfare or assistance program that does not exist in at least one of our neighbors. We have too many handout programs. CT should almost have a Hatch Act like the Feds to prevent state and municipal workers from being in elected positions like boards of alderman and town councils. Tolls are severely determental to air quality in the towns that have them. I know, one was close by in West Haven. Also, the tolls will always be dumped only on southern Connecticut.