Could there be a second vote?

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3 Responses

  1. Fred says:

    We have a contract until 6/30/2012. Can’t the union just accept a no vote?

  2. sandy says:

    What part of our local government does not understand the word “NO” Do they think we are so stupid as to keep revoting until they get a “YES” response? To our State officials NO IS NO. Make your cuts and STOP spending, revamp and make cuts in your programs that the dwindling middleclass in this state are tired of paying for. You come after state workers who have worked in the public sector for reduced pay because of the benefits offered. Where is our compensation for that? Just because you aren’t gonna get what you want doesn’t mean we are gonna continue to vote till you do!!!!! NO is NO not maybe yes if we vote again. Move on and make the needed cuts in your programs that we do not want to support. LISTEN to us we have had enough of the lies, deceit, overspending and the threats.