Christie: The unions stuck it to Malloy

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14 Responses

  1. Jim T says:

    proud to announce will be leaving the ‘socialist state of CT ‘ for Florida in the next week or so , might stop at NJ in between after hearin this , the man knows what hes doin , malloy has not the slightest goddamn clue…

  2. Netshows says:

    Connecticut’s Internet Sales Tax Component Closes Netshows Music Mall; An Amazon Affiliate

  3. Lisa says:

    Unions pushed hard for him… so did CT Assoc of Health Care Facilities; even sent out letters to attach to paychecks — be careful what you wish for….

  4. Jean says:

    The people of CT keep electing these liberal, tax and spend democrats so they deserve what they get. Unfortunately, for the rest of us, we have to put up with it as well. Christie is right and I would vote for him in an instant — we need more like him.

  5. catwoman3 says:

    Actually, Malloy was correct – he would have balanced the budget nicely and fairly had the unions been smart enough to 1. have a majority vote actually control the outcome and 2. to have their members recognize a good deal when they see one. Does anyone really care what some laughing, loud-mouth governor of New Jersey says? Really? Like some gloating kid on a softball field? Christie’s “plain speakin'” ways might be attractive to some, but his childish gloating is embarrassing to the state of NJ.

  6. Kat says:

    The state of the State would be funny, if it were some other state. Honestly…having to pay $35 for a trip to the ER was too much?? Are you kidding me? I have to pay $75 and I know others that $100+.

    I really, really, really wish the state workers had a small clue as to what a cake walk they have…I know, I’m fantasizing out loud again.

  7. dan says:

    Get ready for the magic show yes Malloy will get rid of 4500-8500 state workers and raise some more taxes or fees, and in 3 or 4 months when were all sleeping re-hire 5500 to 9500 state workers, always watch the left hand when hes shaking the right one in front of you………..

  8. Malvi says:

    As a resident of CT I am well aware of what a dismal disaster Malloy is. I don’t care what anyone says about Christie NJ has a governor and we got stuck with Malloy.

  9. Chris says:

    Wah Wah Wah!I have to actually contribute some of my own money to pensions,healthcare etc.What a bunch of spoiled punks.Wake up and join the real world!

  10. Palin Smith says:

    Dannel Malloy is the worst bully in Connecticut!
    Chris Christie is a real man!

  11. Laurie from Connecticut says:

    Mr. Christie is just a bully.

  12. rpc says:

    Christie is not ‘gloating’ he is stating the facts. If the Advocate thinks that is gloating, it truly shows your bias

  13. responsible_development says:

    Whether you like Christie or not, he’s 100% correct

  14. Wendy says:

    Christie is right..CT taxpayers are screwed.. What idiots voted for Malloy..