Malloy to Washington: “Grow up”

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2 Responses

  1. MrLogical says:

    This would be laughable if it weren’t so serious. Malloy and his fellow Democrat’s have been in charge of the statehouse for 50 years and have put CT in the position of being dead-last in the creation of jobs. We also have the highest per-capita debt of any state in the union and it’s going to go even higher with his proposed spending – e.g., the $600M “bus line to nowhere” (New Britain to Hartford) and a $900M expansion of the UCONN Health Center that is already a money-losing hospital and will only get worse under his proposed expansion. In the case of the former, it would be cheaper to buy the supposed riders of the line a new car and 5 years of free gas. In the case of the latter, he claims the $900M (over a billion $ by the expected overruns are factored in…) will create 15k jobs by the year 2036. 2036!! Does anyone believe this nonsense? Will anyone remember this Democrat lie in 25 years when the hospital will have been closed due to Obamacare and the state’s remaining population is much less than it is today?

    Both projects are nothing more than sops to the unions that run the state, controlling the Dem’s like so many string puppets.

  2. jschmidt says:

    CT is a Democrat controlled state and has been like that for years. It is not surprising that the Democrats would continue policies that have made them rank 47 on the CNBC ranking for business friendly. His policies have made this state a bad place to live and work. His deal with Cigna brings 200 jobs to the state while smaller businesses are continuing to leave and even UBS is moving people back to NY. CT has no advantage as it used to have over NY and NJ. It is just another high tax Democrat controlled state. Malloy’s actions are typical of tax and spend Dems.