Lieberman talkin’ bout a revolution?

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2 Responses

  1. Alex Moore says:

    Joe, Joe, Joe……can’t you just retire already….how long do we in Connecticut have to deal with your hidden agenda’s…..let’s face it….you have been/are/remain the number 1 lobbyist for Israel…..
    while we here in Connecticut have daily bumber to bumber traffic on 95, Metro North Rail Lines working at 50% and derailing monthly…..choose any city…Bridgeport, Waterbury, where is the master plan for bringing life back to these places…and yes America…we still pay (king’s) Car Tax….and it’s 2011? Hey Joe…when you not signing your photos at local diners all day…can you please stop commenting on the state of national affairs….cause you were in office the whole time this country has been going down the toilet….best part of your record….changing parties to Independent to steal an election…..thanks Joe….good luck with the super committee…funny thing is…the original formation of our federal government empowered the entire Congress to handle the budget…if you all can’t handle it (obviously not) maybe we should just have a special election for seats? Just a thought…..make sure you bring a box of tissues for the Speaker of the House……

  2. Dave says:

    Don’t mess with Social Security, Joe. It doesn’t add a penny to the debt, which I’m sure you realize.