Poll: Voters showing ‘serious buyer’s remorse’ on Malloy

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2 Responses

  1. George Papandreou says:

    Tom Foley will not succeed in another race for Governor of CT, nor the Senate seat, nor any other significant national level of elective public office.
    Tom Foley’s Corporate Raider Bankruptcy past will haunt him forever.
    Tom Foley was arrested twice and never revealed it until the press outed him.
    Tom Foley should run for Mayor of Greenwich and stay there hobnobbing with his rich cronies, all have no clue about the common citizens of CT or the USA.
    Tom Foley is finished.

  2. Liberty says:

    Perhaps this is because Mr. Malloy has forgotten that a Governor is supposed to represent all his constituents and not just state Union workers. There will be no money from the private sector to pay for state workers, if he has destroyed all the small businesses and taxed all private sector workers into poverty.