Shays to declare formally Jan. 25

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4 Responses

  1. Elliott says:

    It would be nice if those of you issuing these flip comments would check your facts first. Congressman Shays was a fiscal hawk going back to his days in Hartford long before it became fashionable.In recent years he chaired the Oversight committee finding waste fraud and abuse in government agencies and if you care to check he was one of the very first Congressman to sound the alarm on Freddie Mac and the entire government mortgage collapse.We as voters, carry certain responsibilities to educate ourselves about our perspective candidates……not lump them en mass because “career politician “as become the new catch phrase wether it is applicable or

  2. Rosebeth Kale says:


  3. Dan G says:

    Just what we need, someone that watched over the U.S. going into massive debt, runing for the Senate.

    Please, no more recycled politicians like Chris Shays! They have destroyed our future.

  4. David M. Cooper says:

    Why would anybody want to vote for Chris Shays, a Career Politician!! It is individuals like Mr. Shays who have spent over 20 years as a Politician who have ruined this Country!!