Greenwich’s Lee Whitnum sues Norwich Bulletin over exclusion from debate

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3 Responses

  1. yesenia montalvo says:

    Hi my name is yesenia montalvo and I’ve worked for Lisa when she was trying to get nominated. She is a crook and dishonest and no different from the common thugs on the streets she wrote my last pay check for 280 dollars and it caused my bank account to go negative by over 300 dollars and when I confronted her about it in so many words said she stopped payment on the check after giving it to me once she realized she was not going to get nominated. Now I’m only 18 and this was my first account ever and I’m always being told to be careful with my credit and accounts it starts a foundation for my future. How does some one who wishes to hold government office do something like this. It would really scare me if she had actually won, to think that people like her represents our country and supposedly fights “for us” makes me feel we’re all doomed to hell smh.

  2. David Evans says:

    I was looking forward to a lively debate on real issues that profoundly affect all of us, but alas, I was disappointed that the usual list of pandering politicians was all that was offered. Unlike other US candidates for political office, Lee Whitnum has the courage to challenge US foreign policy that is disastrous for the US, but beneficial to Israel, as Israel continues to illegally expand onto it’s neighbor’s lands. Lee Whitnum knows what most of us don’t, as information about the corrupting influence of the Israel Lobby on OUR Congress is never discussed openly. Lee Whitnum also knows that Israel has cost US tax payers $3 Trillion dollars to date, and that that cost is rising by $8 million dollars per day:

    Israel continues to violate international law, including ignoring scores of UN Resolutions, because the US vetoes any and all Security Council actions that the rest of our World’s governments want to take in order to control its criminal activities. This wrongful support of Israel’s war crimes has made the US a lot of enemies.

    For more on the hidden behavior of Israel, and on how that behavior affects every American, please visit these sights:

    Lee Whitnum already knows all of this. This is why she is attacked and denied venues by those who don’t want the rest of us to know.

    David Evans
    Former Sergeant USMC
    Member of Veterans For Peace
    Israel/Palestine Working Group

  3. John Maron says:

    It is a shame the Norwich Bulletin did not invite Lee Whitnum for the debate.

    Lee Whitnum, as far as I can tell, is the ONLY CT candidate for US Senate who will not equivocate on the tough issues; We have a Congress full of those compromised and corrupted politicians who do.

    We need more like Ms. Whitnum in both Houses. More who will do the bidding of We The People who elect them, rather than the bidding of special interest groups and in particular one of the most powerful lobbies, the Israel lobby, which pours bribe money into campaign coffers and influences our international policies in a negative way.

    Alan Hart article on the Israel lobby

    Lee Whitnum on AIPAC video