Must see TV? Not so fast on Shays vs. McMahon NBC debate

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3 Responses

  1. Umm…Shouldn’t Brian K. Hill be included in the debate as well?

  2. Ron says:

    Reading this article insulted my republican values. We have other candidates running for US Senate, yet their names are not even mentioned. Linda and Chris as well as the leadership of “our” are intentionally failing to mention Peter Lumaj and Brian Hill. Shame on them! The debates should be open to all candidates and not only to the ones with a lot of money, such as Linda, or the one who has been in politics his entire adult life, such as Shays. Neil Vigdor is paid not to mention Peter Lumaj or Brian Hill. “Our” party is making another mistake by selling its principles to the highest bidder. I urge all the readers to call on the “republican” party of CT to stop putting our party for sale. I believed that Labriola would change this, but I was wrong. There is a reasons we are not winning: We have no Republican Party any longer.

  3. Kristin says:

    Was Brian Hill asked to participate in these debates? Why is Brian not mentioned in this story?