Tong goes after Murphy for chief of staff’s ties to mortgage industry

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2 Responses

  1. Anderson Scooper says:

    Tong and Bradley are playing this game pretty stupidly. Instead of gathering positive name recognition through an upbeat campaign, they are instead teetering on the edge of a mountain of ill-will. What do they think? That the multitude of Murphy supporters won’t remember their attempts to slime the likely Dem nominee?

    Tong has no chance of beating the sitting Congressman from northwest Connecticut, so I don’t get this decision to go negative. In the end it will cost the Fairfield County Liebercrat dearly, as many Democrats like me have long memories. Much more of this bull-crap and Tong and Bradley will quickly become persona non grata. Who are they working for? Linda McMahon?!!!

  2. Mary says:

    Seems to me that hiring a lobbyist as chief of staff allows Mr. Murphy to get insider information on the industry to be able to fight them at their own game. Mr. Tong should be more concerned with where the money comes from. I’m sure Mr. Tong’s contributors from Brown and Chicago Law probably represent mortgage bankers and others within the financial industry. I am much more comfortable with Mr. Murphy hiring an insider than his colleague Mr. Issa.