Voters want death penalty as an option

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4 Responses

  1. […] (, April 29). Astute readers already know that (despite apparent public support, see “Voters want death penalty as option,”, April 25) the death penalty is already gone in Connecticut: […]

  2. ThereYaGoAgain says:

    The majority in liberal democrat majority Connecticut VOTED for these people in CT legislature and Governor. When rapist murderers invade CT Republican homes they will get teh death penalty by shotgun.
    Lets see how liberal Union Socialist State Republik democrats are after one of their daughters and wives are raped in murdered in their home. Typical flaming liberals.

  3. Jim says:

    No surprise here !!

  4. Jim says:

    What Malloy and the rest of the elected officials who voted to abolish the death penalty have not learned is that in the end, they are there to do the will of the people. Come election time, I am sure that many of them, including Malloy will come to regret this and other decisions they have made against popular opinion.