Linda: I feel your pain

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3 Responses

  1. Jeanneen says:

    Focus on what is important. Read her plan; she can win.

  2. […] Shays Vs. WWE – Neil Vigdor, Hearst Malloy Finesses GAAP Pledge – Keith Phaneuf, CT Mirror Linda, I Feel Your Pain – Neil Vigdor, Hearst Caregivers Presser Turns Into Shouting Match – […]

  3. Elliott says:

    Okay…..let me get this straight…..Ms. McMahon doesn’t think enough is known of her “life story”? Either I am living in an alternate universe or she is…..for all I know of Ms McMahon IS her life story, which I have heard ad nauseum over the last 3 years. Commendable that she overcame adversity….however, so have many others.
    It is very difficult to reconcile Ms.McMahon, former CEO of the WWE….with this new improved “touchy , feely” woman.I guess she is learning the hard way that you can’t buy respectability…… one must earn it…..she has a long way to go on that front.