The “R” in Shays’ Rolodex is for Rove

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4 Responses

  1. Steve Simmons says:

    Please don’t dismiss Chris Shays….

    Back in ’84, he went to prison for contempt of court because he was standing up for the little guys…. Basically, he challenged the lawyer self-discipline review as being too incestuous. In this case, several lawyers took more than they should have from a client’s estate, and they received a small slap on the wrist from the review board… Rep. Chris Shays tried to make a statement in court about how their behavior was akin to larceny. The judge continually instructed him to sit down, and he kept wanting to go on record… Back then, he was between elected positions (just lost to Thom Serrani for mayor) so he could have just kept out of it but he wanted to take a stand!!!

    Go Chris.. and I live in Dallas!!!

  2. Palin Smith says:

    If you love the STATUS QUO of the past generation your man is Shays.
    April 15 in New Milford: