Whitnum running as small “i” independent

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2 Responses

  1. Ben says:

    Aw, it’s such a shame that your tireless keyboard warrior work on behalf of your bile-churning soulmate failed to secure her ballot spot (and the tens of votes she would have earned). Look on the bright side: you added to the viability of online sites that can’t be responsible for what a diseased lunatic you truly are!

  2. David Evans says:

    Lee Whitnum drops Dems.
    Good for her, as BOTH Dems and Repubs are joined branches of the US Corporate Imperial War Party, and both Dem and Repub legislators continue legislating for lobbies which profit from US taxpayer’s funding of unending wars:


    Just one example of lobby influence: http://www.salon.com/topic/patty_murray/

    About half of our tax dollars go towards fighting aggressive wars to acquire resources for US and EU business and banking cartels, and to ensure that Israel can continue illegally expanding onto stolen lands:



    Lee Whitnum knows this, and she is better off running as an independent, free of Zionist control of the two major US political parties:



    For her courage in challenging the corrupt system that constantly puts the interests of corporations and Israel ahead of the needs of Americans, Lee Whitnum has my vote!

    David Evans
    Former Sergeant, USMC
    Member of Veterans For Peace
    Israel/Palestine Working Group