Bernier: Obama is a “liar”

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6 Responses

  1. ray rivera says:

    more republican B*S , control is what they want so they can put thier foot on the poor and keep them there!

  2. Prudence DoGood says:

    Another teaparty phoney. He wants to cut governemnt spending on education, the poor and the environment..yet he has NEVER had job in the private sector..interesting seeing as he is against the Presidnent’s health care law yet he has had his own healthcare paid for by the taxpayers of this state for his entire career

  3. Prudence DoGood says:

    This Berner idiot must be able to afford health insurance. He looks like another GOP psycho.

  4. john(no kidding) says:

    It was only sneaky if you weren’t paying attention, like the poster before who shows,there are so many issues that Congress wont address or wont change that are choking the life out of middle Americans, most make this 1% penalty look like a stimulus package.

  5. Sneaky says:

    How sneaky – this massive tax would never have passed Congress if it were labeled as such, and then Obama’s lawyers run into court and argue it is just that, in order to justify their shenanigans. Bernier is right, Obama & co need to go!

  6. David Evans says:

    The next Congress will also have the opportunity to repeal a far larger burden on the American People, but I doubt that they will, as both Dems and Repubs are joined branches of the US Corporate Imperial War Party that uses US troops as enforcement thugs for US business and banking interests abroad:

    Libya was a banker’s and oil profiteer’s war. Qaddafi’s gold-backed Diner threatened the Western banking system:

    Iraq was about oil, regional hegemony and Israel, as is current Zionist-backed undermining of Syria and Iran:

    Afghanistan is about pipelines and 3 trillion dollars worth of buried minerals:

    Lee Whitnum knows all of this, and she is the only candidate for Lieberman’s seat that will do anything to save billions of dollars that the rest of Congress continues to pour into blood spilled abroad.

    Until American voters get educated enough about these issues to dump nearly all corrupted House and Senate members like this one, nothing will change while we argue over what little funds are left to take care of social programs and rotting infrastructure:

    By the way, Defense industry companies are poor job creators relative to industries where taxes taxes could be better spent: