A look at Weinstein’s Westport abode

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3 Responses

  1. MrLogical says:

    The prez is a complete hypocrite, but typical of Marxist/Leninist dictators who ‘champion’ the so-called little poeple while living like the rich that they are so quick to condemn and vilify.

    In virtually all Marxist/Leninist societies, the dictators and their palace guard (often given democratic-sounding names like “politburo’ although Obama prefers to call his “Czars”…) live in a style that would befit kings and potentates while the little people starve.

    Alas, in Communism, some commies are much more equal than others. “Two legs good. Four legs bad.”

  2. fredv55 says:

    Your president complains about the rich and then accepts $38,550 a person. Sounds a little hypocritical to me!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Kelly says:

    I love my President. I read the article about them closing the beach for an entire day, and people were mad. But they make it seem like the President ordered it to close because his helicopter will be using the beach to land there. That man is too busy to say that. Give it a break if he were a republican no one would say a word.Get off his back.