Whitnum files petitions for Senate

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7 Responses

  1. Get Real says:

    Lee Whitnum is not a serious candidate. She is a rabid anti-Semite with one goal in mind: The destruction of the Jewish State of Israel. She is as transparent as glass. Her few supporters are nothing more than conspiracy-theorist kooks.

  2. MrLogical says:

    Would love to see Whitnum and Bysiewicz square off in a mud wrestling contest. Yeah, I’d pay big money to see that – ringside.

    Linda: Are you listening? Book it.

  3. MrLogical says:

    Lee Whitnum – in a landslide.

    Bet on it.

  4. Prudence Do Good says:

    Whitnum is every bit as sickening and as obnoxious as Linda “The Wrestling Lady” McMahon. Both add nothing of any value to the political debate and in fact debase our elections. We could do without the participation of both of these insane harpies

  5. John Maron says:

    Lee Whitnum is the only candidate that is courageous enough to challenge the powerful Israel lobby/AIPAC that is pushing a war against Iran.
    If Ms. Whitnum goes to the Senate she is not going to be one of the lifeless puppets that are currently occupying space in Congress.
    Lee Whitnum has my vote!

    On the article below, former AIPAC member talks about the lobby and its perverse influence on the government.

  6. Charlie Lynch says:

    Neil said:

    “Certification of the names, which will be conducted at the local level by the registrar of voters for each city and town where the electors reside…”

    No Neil, the TOWN CLERKS do this, not the Registrars unless the Town Clerk delegates this to the Registrars AND they Registrars agree to take on this task. Go read 9-453k and nearby statutes.

  7. Dorothy in Oz says:

    They say crazy finds a way . . . . .