The Malloys ate for free at Harvey Weinstein’s

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7 Responses

  1. Craig Seau says:

    The Malloy’s have been eating free for over 20 years in and around Stamford and the State of Connecticut. They ought to try parenting…

  2. John says:

    What did the diner consist of for $32.000 a plate? Did that include limo ride, unlimited food for one year at any restaurant, trip to the white house, one free ride in the presidents limo, helicopter, air force 1 ……..I believe that 32,000 could of feed a family for a year, we love president Obama, but we as Afro American people cannot afford to pay that to eat just to get little closer to see him….I guess the closest we would be able to see him is usually on the news……

  3. MrLogical says:

    What – posts being removed?
    Did one of Danny’s henchman make a call?

  4. MrLogical says:

    Dannel “I Didn’t Create This Mess” Malloy:

    Worst governor in the history of the state, bar none.

  5. MrLogical says:

    As in all totalitarian, Marxist/Leninist societies, some members of the society are more equal than others. The Democrat party and all of their sycophantic drones are no different.

    Malloy: Better than all those over whom he rules. “Four legs good. Two legs bad.”

  6. Joe says:

    His meal was free, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the costs of Malloys transportation, security (all including Over-time) and associated costs of closing Sherwood Isle for a “private” fundraiser far exceeded the $32,000 per plate freebie that Dan received.

    Just sayin!

  7. Tim White says:

    Will he need to declare the value of the meal(s) on his taxes next year?