Controversial WWE figure: Pro-Linda Tweet got me fired

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3 Responses

  1. Donnie says:

    It is amazing how much Linda bashing goes on in this paper. This guy made a tasteless statment and got fired. If i made tasteless statement in my workplace I would be fired.

  2. job creator or wealth accumulator? says:

    Linda McMahon, a job creator? get real. As this guy points out, he was fired from his job for voicing an opinion! Not only that, his Twitter account was suspended as well! wonder who influenced Twitter to make that decision?

    To recap, WWE, an entertainment company of which I consider myself a fan, has fired an employee for “questionable” behavior–ie. endorsing Linda. This company has long pandered to the lowest common denominator in order to retain it’s young male viewership. Now Linda McMahon wants to separate herself from them?

  3. RealityCheck72 says:

    Wow, really? First this moron was making tasteless, unfunny jokes (Kobe Bryan rape joke?) and then the delusional idiot gets fired and tries to put himself up on a pedestal equivalent of past talents like Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock. Good riddance and could the paper be any more biased? How about reporting on Murphy’s 80% absentee rate from his committee meetings that the people pay him to attend? That’s more of an issue than some hack wrestling manager character getting supposedly canned for a tweet. Suck up more to the Democrats CT Post…we all could use more out of control spending and high taxes to support the lazy.