Shays bows out, but says he won’t retire

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One Response

  1. MrLogical says:

    Please – not another Susan “I Gotta Get Elected” Bysiewicz.

    Along with being a card-carrying RINO, Chris Shays is a petty little narcissist who cares more about his own insatiable and inflated ego than he does the people he purports to represent.

    He’s a classic example of the kind of pol’ who goes into politics not to actually serve the people who elected them, but to bask in the footlights, have their boots licked, their egos stroked, and their wallets fattened with gold-plated pensions paid for by the taxpayers

    He’s a petty little man, full of the anger of inferiority, and full of foul language, and he’ll never be elected to anything. People have figured him out, just as they’ve figured out Suzie Bishevich.

    So long, Chris. Enjoy the rest of your life feeling sorry for yourself.