Epic Fail

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3 Responses

  1. Jim says:

    Hey Bingoballs,

    While the busway MIGHT have been Rell’s doing….it was Malloy and all of his cronies who actually got it passed.
    Sooooo……since he took ownership of it……it’s all his. And when it fails…..and it will…we’ll all be blamming Danny Boy for pissing away more money from a broke CT

  2. Bingoballs says:

    The BUSWAY, started by Lowell Weicker, a major study done and federal funding approved under John Rowland, budgeted for by M. Jodi Rell during her administration, and started in the Malloy administration. Yet, somehow, this is considered a Malloy boondoggle!!! Go figure!!! One of the biggest detracters of the busway, none other than convicted felon, John Rowland, who states on his radio show that, “in no way, shape, or form, did I have anything to do with the funding of the busway”, had a major study done in his term and was approved for federal funding for the busway in his term, and was budgeted for every year of his term along with M. Jodi Rell’s term, call this one of the worst wastes of taxpayer money. Why doesn’t Rowland mention the Children’s School in Middletown, one of the most politically corrupt and costly projects for the taxpayers, as a major waste of taxpayer money. After all, Rowland would be the perfect person to talk about waste of taxpayer money after he was convicted of corruption while being our Governor, and is now a convicted felon!! What irony, a thief, a corrupt politician, a person still under yet another Federal Investigation for being involved in possible political corrupt activities, talking about a waste of taxpayer money. Where does it stop??? Just because the busway started construction in Malloy’s term doesn’t make it his project. Speaking of projects, what about Rowland’s Front Street Project which cost the taxpayers millions of dollars, where are all the stores, apartments, and boutiques that would draw throngs of visiters and businesses to Hartford?

  3. Palin Smith says:

    The magic bus. Perhaps Dannel Malloy can bail them out with $550,000,000?