Cathy Malloy, who has been generally left alone by CT reporters, tries to walk back media criticism

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2 Responses

  1. Crick says:

    “Walk back”…more like Moon Walking on her “I drive a shitty car!” Her comments at the DNC are typical of over-indulged “celebs” who love all of the perks, but belly ache about any negative attention. What’s her point? She (and her family) is being paid by the Connecticut tax payers and her husband hasn’t solve any of our economic problems.
    The best thing about her DNC comments are that Cathy Malloy will be indexed on Google with “I drive a shitty car”! What a class act.

  2. Angela says:

    All the apologies in the world won’t make her look like a lady.
    You can’t UNring a bell.