Whitnum misses the cut

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5 Responses

  1. David Evans says:

    Anyone who has ever been involved in a campaign for a candidate who challenges the system will not doubt the difficulties and roadblocks experienced by Lee Whitnam, as it is difficult enough without the added burden of challenging Israel’s criminal behavior, and that of Israel’s agents who control US politics:



    That said, it is America’s loss that candidates like Lee Whitnum who would put America’s interests ahead of Israel’s continue to be crowded out:


  2. Prudence Do Good says:

    Lee must be a total moron because the document she said she had to drive up to Harford to get can be downloaded from the state website. In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny…What a maroon!

  3. Prudence Do Good says:

    Looks like some of Lee Whitnum’s anti-semitic friends have shown up here tonight. Lee Whitnum could give LInda McMahon a run for the money in the obnoxious moonbat category. Guess what Lee your comments about “the rabbis” dictating foreing policy earlier this year was straight out of that famoud anti-semitic canard “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

  4. Sally Howland says:

    A Zionist conspiracy going on here? That is how they shut us up, if you dont toe the Israeli line you are going to be kicked out, one way or the other, after all Israel runs this country.

  5. John Maron says:

    Just a very small percentage of voters know what AIPAC is and the damage it creates. Lee is fighting an impossible battle.
    Thanks for the good article, Neil.