A transcript of the post-debate spin at WFSB for Murphy, McMahon

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3 Responses

  1. I see. You read this one story and condemn all media in CT.

    George W. Bush crashed the economy, banks, real estate, and the auto industry in 2008. Now you want to bet on the Republicans again.

    Chris Murphy has fought for us on hundreds of bills in Congress. The story above mentions the Army Reserve center in Danbury, an industrial park in Waterbury, and a new commuter rail line through Meriden. I personally worked on a project here funded by Obama’s stimulus. If you earn wages you got a tax cut from President Obama. Your Social Security payroll tax was reduced 2%.

    Apparently you know about every job created and where and can make blanket statements about his 6 years of work. He’s one Congressman out of 435 in a House now controlled by Republicans. He’s not superman. And the wrestling lady is no superwoman. She will begin on square one. She knows nothing about how things work in Congress. She has no experience. She will be far from effective. Running one business tells you nothing about how to write and guide bills through congress. And she will be the only Republican in our delegation. If the only plan is to reduce taxes and regulation, how long do you think it will take for that magic to happen? You won’t be seeing any new jobs for a few years. Maybe. If she can get anyone to listen to her or even respect her opinion. If you elect this woman they will laugh at Connecticut.

  2. Jennifer Dante says:

    Ask yourself where are all the jobs that Chris Murphy has created for Connecticut? If he’s spent his entire life fighting for us I suggest that he surrender now. Unemployment is at an all time high at 9% in CT. One more person like Murphy in the unemployment line won’t hurt.

  3. Wendy says:

    After reading this, just as with the crazy left national media..Ct media..seems to be in the pocket of the extreme left Murphy..scary considering he has spent 3 terms there hand that has gotton us to broke and unemployed with homes that are worth less.