Controversy brewing

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54 Responses

  1. jim says:

    If there’s a TV camera rollin…….The Newtown Alliance will be there.
    Surprised Malloy isn’t there to pipe in

  2. acinct says:

    I live in Newtown. The fact that responsible citizens can carry a gun while getting an over-priced latte, should be a non issue. My issue is with completely insensitive people, who need to put their d**ks on the table by parading their gun ownership. This group of people need to drive 20 mile out of their way, to make their point in Newtown. There are about 10 Starbucks between this group and Newtown. Talk about exploiting a tragedy. You may be so sick of hearing about our town, but I am sick of people who refuse to listen. I’m sick of people that have absolutely no compassion. We all have the god given right to free speech as well. Does that mean I can go post pornography on a billboard? Their are responsibilities and limitations that come with every right.

  3. Robert says:


    I enjoy the free rider benefits and I am sure you do even though you may not realize it. Criminals that would choose to do someone harm look for the easiest target – one that poses little threat and will likely not fight back. With concealed carry by individuals of all genders, shapes, and sizes it is much harder for criminals to determine who is an easy target. That blanket of uncertainty in the criminals mind shields many whether they realize it or not.

  4. Paul says:

    Can someone please explain to me why anyone needs a gun? I’ve managed to get through 27 years of my life without one and oddly enough, all of my friends have too.

    I just don’t understand the need to own a gun. If people want one, it is certainly their right and they can carry it wherever it is legal to do so. But honestly what the hell is the appeal of carrying a gun?

  5. Kevin Fitzgerald says:

    If you feel the need to show off your guns at the Newtown Starbucks today, in front of Newtown residents who have clearly requested that you not, well, you have that right. Connecticut allows you to carry your weapon concealed or not. Personally, I don’t believe any truly responsible gun owners will agree with you and it’s THIER right to carry that I have learned to support. I’ll drink coffee with a responsible gun owner all day long. But when someone wants to show off their gun to a community recovering from gun violence, their “responsible gun owner” argument goes out the door, as does their common sense.

  6. sbuxxemployee says:

    Just so everyone is aware. This “movement” is in no way, shape, or form connected to starbucks. This is a random group of people. There is a difference between at and by.

  7. ModeratesForSanity says:

    “Spokesmen for the ‘Newtown Action Alliance’ denied that this action in any way should be used to conclude that their members are suffering from mental illness due to their failure of using logic or empathy for parents who have lost children. CT’s Attorney General commented that considering the gun control laws passed this year preclude those with mental illness from owning guns that those who participate in the Friday “Support your guns’ Friday can be identified easier for confiscation.”

  8. Machia says:

    Losing your rights is something we all should be afraid of our Government is taking away more then your rights. That Omaba Care that is about to hit us all is going to be an eye opener and there is more to come. So why not put your energy into saving our country and your rights so our children will know this country as we once did stand up for that and leave Newtown alone. Obama is just another Hitler open your eyes

  9. benny says:

    I cannot believe the crying over this topic, Wa Wa WA…

    Where were these people BEFORE Newtown?

    Most of these people that are screaming the loudest probably never gave it a thought before December 14th and now,because it’s hip and in style to complain are screamiong the loudest over a situation that was created by all of these liberal crybabies.Most people cannot think past the liberal media.

    I carry.I carry to the store,I carry to eat out,I carry wherever I go other than the places CT law requires you not to.I prefer to conceal because I do not want to advertize to anyone that I carry.It’s my buisness,no one elses.

    Funny thing,if these crybabies only knew how many people carry conceled in this state they probably would hide under their bed all day and never go out of the house.

  10. Gypsy says:

    What else can you expect from a town that so proudly puts a monetary value on the loss of a child?

    I will tell you one certain fact, Davo – if it were MY child who was killed in SH, there is NO amount of money that could EVER replace her. And I would shoot MYSELF before stooping so low as to accept one single dollar in place of her living presence.

    The greed and arrogance of Newtown is obscene and disgusting.

  11. Bill says:

    Newtown is a bore. Remember the rape and murder of the helpless, unarmed family in Cheshire!

  12. ToniMarie says:

    Get over it Newtown!!! Shootings happen everywhere you’re not the ONLY ONE!! Guns don’t Kill People, People Kill People! No matter what the law is people are still going to find a way to get they’re hands on guns, just like they do with Drugs… Duh these morons need to wake up and realize they’re wasting their time.

  13. Krunch says:

    Howard, our permits DO NOT MANDATE conceal carry

  14. roy says:

    Starbucks should do this once a month. All the Starbucks in Connecticut should make the last day of every month an “Open Carry Day….
    Eventually the police will give up arresting “open Carriers” for breech of peace.
    ALSO: Make sure you have your state police registry for any guns that Lowly Weicker banned in 1994.

  15. Common Sense says:

    Something has to make up for a small penis.

  16. Badwan says:

    Newtown has had their say on Airforce One and The White House Lawn… is time for them to “stand down” and let others have their say…and NOT all people of Newtown feel this way. We feel their pain…..and acquiesced to their needs….now it the peoples turn…the 2nd Amendment shall NOT be infringed upon by anyone….

  17. Howard says:

    The truth is, where ever you go in Ct, the chances are you will be around armed people who are carrying a concealed firearm. We are everywhere, concealing our weapons as our permits mandate. And our numbers are growing at a record rate.

    More than 25,000 American Revolutionaries died so that we could have our freedom and Constitution. The death of 26 by a sick individual in no way out weights that.

    Kudos to Starbucks for acknowledging that right, in Newtown and across the country.

  18. jim says:

    See you guys this afternoon !!!
    Proud supporter of CCDL

  19. Sue says:

    So customers in a coffee shop have to put up with open weaponry while they are enjoying a snack just because you need to prove some point? Grow up!

  20. Lucia says:

    Has anyone watched the CBS series “Under the Dome”? I think Newtown needs a dome to keep everyone safe from the outside and real world!

  21. Icarealot says:

    Nothing will be accomplished by taking away the guns from registered gun owners if the mentally ill are not being helped. It’s so politically easy to blame the gun and then ignore the real problem. While guns in the hands of the mentally ill have taken many innocent lives, in the hands of responsible owners guns have saved many more.

    We’ll never know what the outcome would have been if the Sandy Hook school had a teacher with a gun.

  22. Krunch says:

    Again the Anti-gunners trying to take away our rights, WE have a right to go WHERE we want if it is not illegal to do so

  23. Timid one says:

    OK all you bad guys with illegal guns, you stay outta, or , or, or…….I’ll be angry !!!

  24. lurker says:


  25. Davo says:

    Newtown Alliance say they’re “still healing” so somehow picking on them is unfair? Really? Seems they’re able-bodied enough to walk it off and get into the fight when it suits them, though. Sorry, guys, can’t have it both ways.

  26. Igor says:

    Echo six, what a dumb ass remark.

  27. MISSTHIS says:

    Is all this meanness necessary? If you don’t like the program change the station but don’t break the TV. I don’t know what is the matter with this GYPSY person but your empathy as a human being just sucks. I’d like to see you let go and get over the death of your child (which its pretty apparent you don’t have one) who was murdered while sitting in school. You don’t just get over it and move on. You wake up each and every morning for the rest of your life with a heavy heart as you put your two feet on the floor and try to get through the day.

  28. WowSoMuchHateHere says:

    This is so not a “rights” issue. Its a “should”, or more appropriately, a “should not” issue. Said another way, this is about knowing your rights from your wrongs.

  29. Robert says:

    Newtown has had one of the highest application rate for Pistol Permits in the state.
    Did you know that in 2011, Connecticut based FFLs sold a little under 900,000 firearms? I checked 2011, because there wasn’t a large number of ‘catalyst events’ like active shooter, an election, or a major media circus over guns. For lack of a better term, it was an ‘average’ year for sales. In the first 9 weeks of 2013, the state of CT surpassed the 1,000,000 mark for transfers.
    Folks, your ‘hatered’ of gun owners puts you in the minority.

  30. Yuri says:

    Newtown needs to admit that no-gun zones caused the targeting of their school, and many others. Sitting ducks.

  31. Doesn't matter says:

    Have you notice the more people fight gun laws the more people want them?

    Applications have tripled since this sad event. Time to get a permit has doubled because of the demand. This alone should tell you something.

    People want their rights!!!

    No doubt SH was a sad event. One person doesn’t represent all people.

    Most of the time anti-gun groupies are more aggressive then pro-gun people.

    I have never broken any laws , never been arrested but yet you try to take my rights away I don’t get it.

  32. Curt says:

    god… when will this end?

    i am a permit holder and firm 2nd amendment supporter. there are two points that i will NEVER understand in this whole argument. one, how can anyone even attempt to vilify pieces of metal? and two, why do other second amendment supporters keep thinking that open carry and reciting rights will change the minds of ignorant people?

    i’ve had enough of this. bottom line – sandy hook and the other mass shootings occurred because sick people unlawfully gained control of firearms. plain and simple. the moral compass of individuals that do evil things is clearly skewed. stop blaming an inanimate object for the terrible things that happen because nobody bothers to instill values in their children anymore, and stop trying to squeeze blood from a stone by having any interaction with the people who seek to remove your rights.

  33. David Robertson says:


    Please cite the statute that mandates concealed carry, or (alternatively) prohibits open carry.

  34. Doesn't matter says:

    Ct is an open carry state. As for newtown it’s sad but you can fights against guns??? You can fight against my rights but I can’t defend my rights??? Newtown should stop fighting for gun laws and pro gun rallies and groups won’t bother

    I will be a law abiding citizen and carry however the law allows it.


  35. Quietly Watching says:

    Focusout…..CT is not a concealed carry state. There is nothing in the statute that says a weapon needs to be concealed. If you are going to post something, make it accurate.

  36. East Side Eddie says:

    Al if you think this gun demonstration you should not only NOT be teaching kids…you shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near children!

  37. East Side Eddie says:

    I am sick of these gun nuts who don’t even care that these kids were killed. Amazing that they were all here on this blog so quickly. It is time to stand up to the NRA and all these psychos who are more concerned about a non existant right to carry guns everywhere than they are about human lives unless of course they are fetuses

  38. Focusout says:

    Please, Let them come and display their weapons (small as they are). Then arrest everyone doing so as CT is a carry-concealed state.

  39. sam says:

    My rights trump your dead

  40. Machia says:

    I agree enough with Newtown let people mend the more you keep it in the publics eye the children will never forget and if parents don’t talk about it this will help them. Also that person is right you never know who has a gun on them in there purse, pocket, belt loop who knows the person sitting next to you in a diner, restaurant you never know. So I leave with this CBS.WTNH,ABC and what ever station STAY AWAY. God help us all come DEC.14 I’d love to leave town it will be a zoo all over again.

  41. Gypsy says:

    Obviously the “controversy” is not on Starbucks, it is on the Newtown residents who can’t let go and get on with their lives. Newtown residents had better realize that the constant replaying and overplaying of “poor us” and the disgusting greed being displayed by those demanding “their” money has alienated the rest of the country who are sickened by these people who seem willing to substitute their children for the Almighty Dollar.

    Newstimes, give it a rest. WE ARE SICK OF HEARING ABOUT NEWTOWN.

  42. Java Jane says:

    EchoSix – the difference is a civilian murdered 20 of these children’s friends and the cops were there to help them. Also, its not exactly typical for a dozen (or however many will be there) to congregate in one place with their guns in plain display for them to see.
    All: If a child you love ever sees their peer laying in a pool of their own blood, maybe you will change your mind. You don’t have to comfort them when they wake up screaming from their nightmares or leave a public place during a rare happy moment because a panic attack has suddenly been triggered. Don’t act like you have ANY CONCEPT of how this will or will not affect the children (and adults for that matter) in Newtown. If you did have an inkling of how horrible what you are doing actually is, then you would not be doing it.

  43. nowaytoday says:

    Who cares about Newtown anymore… I don’t, Newtown cannot alter the 2nd Amendment. Newtoen get a life, people carry guns all day long and it’s a part of life. move on to something else…..

  44. Sharon Wilbur says:

    I too am tired. I am tired of this group and the others holding this tragedy up for a political purpose that is as evil as their tragedy.

  45. I agree, enough about Newtown, also I can’t believe how ignorant people can be, when they are actually worried about someone who owns a gun walking into should be the “whackos” who are storming places with it in their hands. you have a better chance of scolding your tongue on a cup of coffee than worrying about a gun owner. and the fact that people can’t differentiate the difference is sickening.

  46. Al Bruhn says:

    As a highly decorated Vietnam Veteran and Ct certified public school teacher, and one who doesn’t have a gun nor would for x number of reasons, I find it refreshing for the pro gun people to take a stand on the issue of 2nd Amendment rights. The Newtown shooting incident was over played and people are disgusted with it. People need to get over it and move on despite fact that killings go on daily throughout the country which hasn’t changed since the beginning of USA and won’t stop!

  47. Ahmed al Musifar says:

    I am so tired of the Newtown stuff. Enough is enough, IM sorry all those kids and staff died, but its time to move on. Im not going to let your tragedy ruin my life…

  48. Nugent Fan says:


  49. David Robertson says:


    Those are pretty good numbers. I think the national average is a bit lower. Connecticut is very pro-gun for a blue state, though the SHES shooting has certainly changed some minds. I won’t be there for tomorrow’s festivities but next time I am in Newtown I will most certainly be carrying my 1911.

  50. EchoSix says:

    If it’s okay for cops to open carry a handgun, then how would having your kids see a licensed civilian be any different?

  51. thevor says:

    The tragedy’s exploitation is now expanded to both first and second amendment rights usurpation.

  52. Adam Cook says:

    David, in Connecticut, anywhere you go 1 in 13 people are likely to be carrying a firearm. In Newtown, it’s more like 1 in 10.

  53. David Robertson says:

    “It is disturbing to think that tomorrow night you and your children may be sitting in Starbucks when people carrying guns walk through the door.”

    You think that tomorrow night will be unique in that way? People are carrying guns around you every day, even at Starbuck’s, whether you notice or not. Don’t bite your nails too hard over it. They aren’t carrying guns in the hope that they’ll be able to shoot you for taking the last Splenda packet. Don’t brandish a weapon at them or try to rob the place and their pistols will stay in their holsters.

  54. Gypsy says: