Record haul for the NRA post-Newtown

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7 Responses

  1. marc ruby says:

    It is truly a damn shame when you have C.T. -the Constitution State ignoring both the State and the Federal ‘Bill of Rights.Punishing the entire States Law abiding Gun owners with knee jerk Draconian Gun Laws.All because of one crazed madman.The people were not heard they were simply punished. Very much hope for a judicial Reversal in the Courts and a Election Reversal in 2014 !!

  2. Jonathan bond says:

    I am the one who donated the $250 and I am from sandy hook. Hire me, j s bond for all of your trucking and home improvement needs. I am located on pole bridge road.

  3. Dinty says:

    Malloy, Obama, and other gun haters exploited Sandy Hook to enact gun control, a step closer to gun confiscation. Gun supporters are vilified as if they too were at Sandy Hook that day. Very little press is given to inner city shooting, especially Obama’s hometown, Chicago.

    The news media loves when another shooting occurs, they are gleeful, getting their jollies at others expense. It is pathetic to say the least.

  4. chris choinski says:


  5. Brian Stag says:

    Why do I donate to the NRA? Because its much cheaper than the lawyers required to go through the hundreds of pages that the CT Legislature passed over night and the Special Licesing Unit of the Connecticut State Police has no clue how to interpret.

  6. woodstove says:

    I know many CT residents like myself that did a little extra donating to NRA and CCDL after 12-14.It’s not the gun it’s the person who pulls the trigger.

  7. Moe Ronn says:

    Newtown also got a record haul.