Esty touts gun control in State of the Union response

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5 Responses

  1. Mark rosato says:

    Hasn’t your boy, Maolloy, done enough damage to the Constitution.
    Shall we just shred the whole thing and be done with it?

  2. Klang says:

    We as a people need to vote these politicians who have their own agendas out of office. We need to start at the local level and work up. We also need to let if a new member gets voted in and does not do their job they will be voted out. Let’s try to get truth back into government.

  3. Larry says:

    Why would they pas legislation flowing from an event there is no proof took place? Are they going to outlaw milling around a firehouse?

  4. nowaytoday says:

    etsy why dont you crawl back into the same hole you share with murphy…

  5. joe says:

    Give it a rest ETSY, other government officials are more responsible and not going to hastily act, as CT did on creating gun laws that punish law abiding citizens. Many have listened to the American people and realize the Hastily drafted and adopted BILL is nit the correct choice and is not what LAW ABIDING VOTERS WANT.