Obama coming to Connecticut to tout minimum wage

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6 Responses

  1. Paul says:

    He should stay home. The state is in bad enough shape with Malloy and his wrecking crew!

  2. Bridget says:

    We have enough problems without that race baiter coming to town. The only reason he wants to raise minimum wage is that it will bring in more taxes that he can use to pay off his friends. Meanwhile, the country is going bankrupt. 2016 can’t come soon enough.

  3. Raj says:

    I see the Messiah is selling the snake oil again- there will be fewer jobs as the minimum wage goes up, but the lemmings with think ‘he cares’. And why are wages so low? The influx of illegals keep wages low. Illegals these very same liberals bring here.

  4. JRV says:

    Stay in Washington

  5. Ed Cates says:

    you can be the tea party morons like Dave Rutigliano and Rick I want to live in a condo on top of a closed garbage dump Torres will be up in arms

  6. Ed Cates says:

    you can be the tea party morons like Dave Rutigliano and Rick I want to live in a condo on top of a closed garbage dump will be up in arms