If you want to destroy my sweater

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3 Responses

  1. Steven Goodwin says:

    The sad thing this person doesn’t realize is the NRA does a lot for gun safety training…you know..the integral part of that “social contract” those on the left subscribe to. Bottom line; your opinions do not trump my rights…EVER!

  2. Dave Adametz says:

    It’s interesting how he is reciting polls to back up his ideology, as every poll I’ve ever seen says the people of Connecticut want the Assault Weapon ban repealed because it goes too far in harassing law abiding citizens and absolutely nothing to address the problem it was meant to resolve. Mr. Paul has all the character of a politician, all right; it’s do as I say and not as I do for him.

  3. tbk says:

    This guy is doomed. No work history other than working on campaigns. No real experience, no answers to questions about reducing taxes while maintaining services or reducing the unfunded mandates that are killing local Boards of Ed. His campaign seems to be managed by the cast of High School Musical, and like most teenagers, is more focused on the name calling than on running any substantive issues.