Occhiogrosso: GOP two-faced over town aid

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6 Responses

  1. Jschmidt says:

    Why should Malloy be the only one to buy votes since he does it so well in the big cities. The small towns get chump change in comparison.

  2. MoeCurlyLarryAndShemp says:

    Roy is right. This is hypocrisy at the core. The Republicans didn’t argue a bit about the budget this past session, mainly because it was full of pork for their districts. Oh they voted against the budget for sure, and then they crank out local press releases for their constituents to pat themselves on the back for bringing home the bacon. But up at the capitol they’re uniformly cursing the scourge of gov’t spending in front of reporters to put on a good show. Please please spare us the two-faced partisanship. If you’re going to live on the single issue of controlling gov’t spending, AT LEAST propose a budget that cuts spending. The GOP didn’t even do that this year.

  3. MoeCurlyLarryAndShemp says:

    If you’re going to live on the single issue of controlling gov’t spending, AT LEAST propose a budget that cuts spending. The GOP didn’t even do that this year.

  4. LarryMoeCurly says:

    Roy is right. This is hypocrisy at the core. The Republicans didn’t argue a bit about the budget this past session, mainly because it was full of pork for their districts. Oh they voted against the budget for sure, and then they crank out local press releases for their constituents to pat themselves on the back for bringing home the bacon. But up at the capitol they’re uniformly cursing the scourge of gov’t spending in front of reporters to put on a good show. Please please spare us the two-faced partisanship.

  5. Weekender says:

    McKinney’s quote – and for that matter Mr. Healy’s – appear intended to illustrate the very point that Occhiogrosso makes: either you are for spending or you are against it. Either you support the taxes that pay for the spending, or you are against the spending. “That money is going to be spent,” McKinney says, “the question is where?”

    If there was any indication that Mr. McKinney, Mr. Healy, and the other Republican candidates and operatives had any real convictions, one might urge them to have the courage of those convictions. Instead they insist, as Occhiogrosso says, on trying to have it both ways.

    Business as usual, for the Connecticut GOP.

  6. Chris Healy says:

    Mr. Occhiogrosso fails to disclose the money that is approved for local town aid is approved is the tax money of the citizens and the government. There is a point to be made about “special projects” that serve no purpose other than to give a legislator a nice plug. But it’s our money and there is nothing at all two faced about this transaction. It is also revealing that this is the best the Democrats can do. Chris