Foley ambushed by state Sen. Osten at news conference

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3 Responses

  1. Its4us says:

    This was an ambush, by a democrat with a plan to use excerpts out of context to try to destroy a candidate. It was so horribly transparent and petty.

    Keep an eye on osten and see what she gets out of this down the rd. See what the union guy who helped her gets maybe a state job in 6 months? Is it coincidence that Esty who supported all obamas plans for gun control and health care, had her daughter get an internship at the OBAMA White House? Pay offs come in all forms so keep an eye on the future.

  2. WF says:

    It’s open season on white men who go to work everyday, Comrade Obama is proud of you Cathy Osten

  3. Washington Blvd says:

    UNION’s are hurting this State