Malloy: my opponent will roll back minimum wage, paid sick leave reform

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7 Responses

  1. jschm says:

    Malloy is such a liar. If there is a Democrat controlled legislature, Foley will be limited by what he does and he has not announced rolling back anything. Malloy is the most anti business governor in years and he has ruined the state with the Democrats who control the Legislature. Get rid of all of them

  2. Washington Blvd says:

    n stop the driver license to illegals

  3. fedup says:

    ANYONE is better than Danny Boy…..enough with this clown already

  4. BCT says:

    Minimum wage means nothing so long as illegal immigrants working off the books tax free.

  5. Who K. Lau says:

    Whoever the GOP candidate is ….if they get elected they will make sure that CT workers get starvation wages. Both candidates opposed any increase in the minimum wage….McKinnney was against even a measly quarter an hour. Both McKinney and Foley oppose medicaid for the poor yet are against paying workers enough to pay for it themselves. Both oppose mandatory sick leave…how many of you would like to have people preparing your food sneezing on it. Thats what you get with either of the two trust fund babies Foley or McKinney…neither of whom did a hard days work in their lives

  6. UpinCT says:

    I’m a minimum wage earner over 50.

    I have 2 college degrees, and was laid off in 2009. The house is gone, possessions are sold too, I sold my car, bought a 1995 and put the rest into savings.

    I have a part-time retail job. Before May, my weekly hours were routinely 35-38.

    Now they average about 24. I know most of this is due to Obamacare & his 30 hours a week = “full time”, but also much of this decrease is due to the fact that min wage has increased.

    Would you like a 33% pay decrease? This means I will have a 25 cents an hour increase….times 24…..means about $240 a week for me.

    Old way, $9.75/hr times 35 = $340 per week.

    I don’t care who the Republican nominee is–he has my vote.

  7. Locoeyes says:

    We don’t even know who his opponent is yet and here goes Malloy with his boogey man tactic. Careful when you go home, a Republican is waiting in the kitchen with your kitchen knife in hand.