Pelto entertaining lawsuit if petition drive is rejected

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3 Responses

  1. Dan Hunt says:

    State law does require date of birth of signers per Volume 3, Title 9 (Elections), Chapter 153(Nominations and Political Parties) Section 9-453a(Petitions):

    “Such form shall provide lines for the signatures, street addresses, dates of birth and the printing of the names of signators.”

  2. Mary Reilly says:

    Who are the spoilers? Falloy and Moley are indistinguishable from each other. If they are not copying each other’s positions, they are copying Visconti or Pelto. Voters are tired of the establishment and are yearning for some real change because business as usual is bad business.

  3. Palin Smith says:

    The status quo candidates have spoiled CT for a generation. The state is stuck in the ditch.

    Visconti is the rescuer who can get CT back on track.