Foley unveils action plan, calls for sales tax cut, grades for schools

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3 Responses

  1. WF says:

    Foley must be smokin something if he ever thinks the Dems would allow any type of grades or accountability in the education system–

  2. SusyS says:

    Disagree with Weekender. Malloy has not reduced sales tax and his education plan isn’t even close to what Foley is proposing. Foley’s plan is not what Malloy has been doing.

    For full disclosure, I don’t support either one them.

  3. Weekender says:

    This document amounts almost entirely to a point-by-point endorsement of what Malloy has been doing as governor.

    Clever, if you’re talking to voters who are keeping up with everything that has been going on, and so like Tom Foley – looking to take the hard work of others and cash in on it.