State’s largest gun owners group endorses Foley for governor

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15 Responses

  1. steveJones says:

    @DAla – “With the threat of ISIS (who organized while Obama was asleep at the golfcart wheel) on American streets, we need our guns and large clips more than ever before”.

    Congrats – this is literally the dumbest comment I’ve ever read on the internet.

    @Jude – While the new laws aren’t perfect (I agree that the 10 round limit isn’t the smartest thing), I’m not sure why anyone WOULDN’T want “universal background checks for firearms and ammunition”. Seems pretty reasonable.

  2. Smith_girl says:

    Though Foley is not a perfect (conservative) candidate, removing Malloy before he “helps” Connecticut any more is critical.

  3. consider says:

    CCDL 15,000 MAINSTREAM members. Who’s “extreme”, a group that follows the law, or a bunch of left wing fanatics passing ineffective laws that would have done absolutely nothing to prevent what happened, had this been the law in December 2012?

    The only extremists here are the left wing-nuts

  4. Wow I am really disappointed with the article since I was interviewed for it and I countered the myth being re-reported here. “Foley’s opponents characterized the timing of the endorsement — a slow news cycle day going into the Labor Day weekend — as curious.” CCDL Executive members have been working on the endorsement list since Tuesday night. We are family people with jobs and other commitments. The list was finally completed late last night and sent to our membership this morning. There is NOTHING CURIOUS about the timing!
    Lenny Benedetto
    Vice President
    CCDL, Inc.

  5. Attorney Lionel Hutz says:

    sorry – this is much hubbabaloo about nothing. If anything, it will be a negative. But probably just a yawn. Gun cultists are nothing if not self-impressed.

  6. lk says:

    This is reason enough not to vote for Foley.

  7. No Mo Dems says:

    Gun owners need to “get the vote out” and send this liberal stooge packing!

  8. Idiocracy says:

    I would think that sb frost, as a Republican, would understand the value of the constitution. Go ahead, hold your nose and vote for Malloy. Gun owners will show up in such large numbers across the state, your vote won’t matter. You might as well stay home. Have you watched any ISIS videos lately? They are here. We need our guns now more than ever.

  9. DAla says:

    Gun owners from all over connecticut and those who are tired of Dan Malloy’s abuses will show up at the polls in large numbers. You cannot abuse the rights of citizens and expect to say in office. Just look at what happened in Colorado. Gun owners threw out the politicians who voted to violate their constitutional rights. They learned a valuable lesson the hard way. With the threat of ISIS (who organized while Obama was asleep at the golfcart wheel) on American streets, we need our guns and large clips more than ever before.

  10. Joe says:

    Lets keep in mind that this law did 2 things. Punished law abiding citizens and got Molloy glued to Obamas cheeks. It did nothing to address the real issue of MENTAL health? Malloy failed with this law just like he did with other things.

  11. sb frost says:

    Well that clinches it for me. I (a Republican) will be holding my nose but voting to keep Gov. Malloy in office.
    Way to be in touch with the electorate, Mr. Foley!

  12. jude says:

    Smart gun laws? Is that what they’re calling them now? They’re always coming up with a new name. IT IS GUN AND PEOPLE CONTROL.PERIOD!

  13. Paul says:

    “Overwhelming support” was due to an overwhelming Democrat Majority which has a monopoly on the state legislature and the governorship. The state of CT has become the Petrie Dish for the national progressive agenda, and the Democrat Party in no way reflects the will of the people, just the will of the extreme left wing of national Democratic Party. Time to change out not only the governorship, but also both houses of the state legislature.

  14. Good! says:

    Good job CCDL for not giving into the bully tactics of Malloy and Company. They will say or do anything to distract from the actual issues facing this state.

  15. fedup says:

    Proud supporter and contributor of the CCDL