Malloy slams Foley on guns in new TV ad

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9 Responses

  1. dinosaur says:

    If being on the wrong side of the gun control issue doesnt seal Danny Boys fate, his labor policies most certainly will.. Telling employers they have to pay 10.10 an hour for unskilled labor, and giving restaurant workers paid sick time. He has alienated so many people he will not win, unless Foley does something stupid during the debates.

    I would love to see Foley win, and then call a press conference, and say “I have a pen, and I have a phone” and repeal this gun nonsense by executive mandate.

  2. Milton Buckley says:

    What rock did your boorish snob self crawl out from Civisius? Common sense gun control is hittin’ what you aim at. No self respecting NRA member would ever back or support Ct’s abrogation of legitimate citizen’s rights under the Ct and US Constitution.

  3. civisisus says:

    Foley’s apparently laboring under the misapprehension that he’s running for governor of some benighted Duck Dynasty backwater that no one wants to live in. Pro tip, candidate Foley: Connecticut’s part of the civilized world.

    Guess what, gun fetishists – you don’t have the numbers, even among your NRA brethren who also support sensible gun control legislation.

  4. Idiocracy says:

    Malloy will use any tactic to move his political career ahead. Just shameful.

  5. Idiocracy says:

    Keep it up Malloy. It just reminds us of why we need to encourage everyone we know to vote you out.

  6. Lee says:

    In 2009 Dan Malloy’s son Benjamin was arrested for armed robbery, in a drug deal gone sour. You can do a search on this and find the articles. So is Dan Malloy a parent who allowed his own son to own a gun illegally? Is he trying to
    Justify is lack of parental responsibility by pushing gun control? I think he might be. My opinion.
    But in light of McKinney’s loosing the primary because of gun control, Malloy is sealing his fate as well, by pushing gun control again.

  7. Paul V says:

    Never miss an opportunity to exploit those poor kids in Sandy Hook. Bad parenting and lack of mental healthcare caused that mess. The gun wasn’t registered to that twisted little puke and Mom and Dad seem oblivious to the dangers. We should require permits to have kids…and the very first question should be – Do you plan on being involved in your kids’ lives? followed by “Will you always do what is in their best interests?

    I am a gun owner and I hope that it never comes out of the closet. I had to wait 2-3 weeks before I was able to pick it up at the shop.

  8. Thomas Paine says:

    It would be useful if Mr. Foley reminded Connecticut residents that Governor Malloy has not been a staunch anti-gun crusader for as long as he would like people to believe. In fact, in the weeks prior to the massacre at Sandy Hook, the Governor was trying to lure Bushmaster Firearms headquarters staff to Stamford using tax incentives funded by taxpayers. Yes, the anti-gun Governor was bribing the company that manufactured the firearm used by Adam Lanza to relocate to Connecticut. In the wake of the Newtown rampage, Malloy’s staff quietly scuttled that deal saying that it was the decision of the Freedom Group (Bushmaster’s owner) given the corporate uncertainty in the wake of Newtown.

    So Governor Malloy was FOR Bushmaster and its “assault weapon” products before he was against it.

    Some clarity on this would be helpful for voters as Malloy tries to convince voters that non-gun owning Foley is the “pro gun” candidate and the Governor is the pure “anti gun” candidate.

  9. Lex says:

    Malloy doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell. Him, and his bevy of Bolsheviks are done.