Exclusive: Obama to stump for Malloy in Bridgeport

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26 Responses

  1. Dick Trickle says:

    Dannel should have Barry vote for him several times while n Bridgeport. Finch should have Santa send some ballots back to White House where Michelle and President Jarrett can vote too.

  2. Unclemilty says:

    Maybe Barry can vote for Dannèl several times while he’s in Bridgeport. I’m sure Santa can send some absentee ballots back to the White House for Michelle and President Jarrett to vote as well.

  3. Idiocracy says:


  4. Eric says:

    I would love to know where “Cookie1250” lives. Hartford, New Haven, and Waterbury all have higher crime rates than Bridgeport….oh and it is the most populous city in the state.

  5. igor12 says:

    BUNTCAKE72 you said it all. Going after all the people on the dole. They want that money to keep coming in.

  6. seriously? says:

    so Christie is allowed to campaign on foley’s behalf, but obama can’t do the same for malloy? honestly, pot calling the kettle black chris.

  7. nancyfish says:

    @Cookie1250 you obviously have no idea what populous even means, too many syllables I guess. Next time you need to insult Bridgeport try not to make yourself look like a fool in the process

  8. laughingatBpt says:

    Are Bridgeport voters dumb enough to fall for this junk again?

  9. VSHUGHES says:

    To BUNTCAKE72 I says to you I resent you thinking everyone in Bridgeport is on welfare and don’t work. I am a tax payer to the city of Bridgeport for over 45 years. I just retired from a major health insurance company in Trumbull after 20 years and before that I worked at Southern New England Telephone company for 25 years. My father when he was alive worked 2 jobs at the same time. The Bridgeport Brass and General Tires. My father also used to simonize Police Chief Walsh’s cars and other city officials back in the 50’s and 60’s. Every father in my neighborhood back then worked and most people in Bridgeport still work and don’t depend on welfare. As a matter a fact well documented this year in the CT Post most abused wives are from the suburbs across the state of CT. So don’t let your holier then thou rule your thoughts.

  10. Brian says:

    Just another reason to not vote for Malloy

  11. FEDUP says:

    National Review: Malloy is country’s ‘worst governor’
    Posted on October 9, 2014 | By Frank Juliano
    A conservative magazine founded by William Buckley, with Milford resident Jack Fowler on the masthead as publisher, is calling Gov. Dannel Malloy the worst governor in the U.S.

  12. what? says:

    How else do you expect Malloy to get the black vote?

  13. Jack Rielly says:

    Chris – did you whine like this when the Bushes came to CT ???????

  14. Danny says:

    those same Bridgeport “Democrats” they refer to will blindly
    Re-vote for him and wound not even know or remember that he raised our taxes and has generally just hurt
    Us much more than any help he should have provided, I wish they would read and find some facts before they vote!!

  15. graham says:

    The NERO’s fiddle while America dies!

  16. Jude says:

    Ding and Dong. At what expense to the taxpayer? Malloy is as crooked as they come and I hope people remember this come election time. Now that Obamas been in Ct and met with Malloy,( just like Sandy Hook) Ebola isn’t far behind.

  17. Paul V says:

    Here’s the race card being played…so the dumb will continue to ‘milk it.’

  18. laughingatBpt says:

    You can go ahead and stay home Mr. President

  19. Kevin says:

    Oooo! This should be the nail in Malloy’s election coffin! History’s worst president stumping for the nation’s worst governor!

  20. FEDUP says:

    The blind leading the blind

  21. Chris says:

    So who is paying for the extra police and security that is required for Obama to visit, the answer is the CT tax payer. And shouldn’t Obama be doing President stuff instead of working Maloy’s campain trail?

  22. Tekman says:

    Thanks for the warning….I’ll go hide what money I have left !!!!

  23. Angel says:

    I am a Bridgeport Resident and I am not voting for Malloy. He used Bridgeport to win the election and then turned his back on us. Now he needs us again for what? so he can get re-elected and forget about us again…no way!

  24. Joe Hill says:

    On the fence about who to vote for governor? This certainly makes the decision easier… Make no mistake, a vote for Malloy is a vote for Obama’s failed policies. POTUS says so himself..

  25. BUNTCAKE72 says:

    Is it just me or are the voters of Bridgeport like abused wives? They know for a fact none of the policies of the Democrats in this state have helped them one bit but they continue to vote for the freebies given to them off the backs of us who work for a living. Pathetic.

  26. Cookie1250 says:

    most populous city.. Bridgeport?? HAHAHAHA you mean for crime only its the armpit of Connecticut