Michelle Obama to stump for Malloy

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23 Responses

  1. Let’s greet her with the hashtag #RosaDeLauroExposed More folks will be looking at their phones than at Michelle.

  2. Pete Zaria says:

    Puke. ..

  3. JETT says:

    Unfortunately, I am afraid we might be stuck with Malloy again. People just won’t learn that they don’t have to stick with a Party just because that’s what they’ve always done. Besides, registered Democrats outnumber Republicans in CT anyway. I really hope I am wrong about this election.

  4. william wilber says:

    Stop wasting taxpayer money and stay in Washington D. C.Malloy is a liar and wastes taxpayers money as does Obama.

  5. Robert says:

    The fact BOTH the President and First Lady are going to CT for Malloy shows how liberal the state must be—-re-elect Malloy and pay the taxes–go ahead. I escaped and now live in year round warm weather with no state income tax, no property tax on my vehicle and no snow

  6. Truth_Teller says:

    Right, because Bush left us in such a great position. Funny how quickly people forget the shambles this country was in 7-8 years ago.

  7. Beth says:

    The First Lady is an excellent role model for girls–I’m glad she’s coming here. BrickTop, do you have a comment of substance, or are you only able to engage in personal attacks?

  8. FEDUP says:



  9. Semmas says:

    She isn’t doing him any favors, doesn’t Malloy know that?

  10. another free trip compliments of the American taxpayers and CT for the security.
    Malloy will pull any thing out to beat Foley !

  11. Sunny says:

    How much are these trips costing the taxpayers? It makes sense that a president who has ruined the country stump for a governor who has done his best to destroy CT.

  12. Jude says:

    How do you defend a party that stands behind a liar ? That stands behind amnesty for illegal criminals? That stands behind scandal after scandal ? That stands behind stripping American citizens of their Constitutional rights? That stands behind unlimited spending? That stands behind the dumbing down of our children, same sex marriage and legalizing abortion? A party that puts men like Bill Clinton on a pedestal? This is the party that Americans want our country to be run by?

  13. MikeT says:

    Good! Let here try to explain what a good job Malloy has done…..just like her incompetent husband LOL

  14. Paul V says:

    They’re only running here because they know CT sucks and it’s Dan Malloy’s fault. Malloy will lose anyway. This is like having your ex-wife come back home and tell your new wife how great you really are…

  15. Alex says:

    Oh goody, Michelle doesnt know that 64% of the country is unhappy with her old man, but shes coming here to campaign for a loser who is despised by 71% of the state.
    One more nail in Malloys coffin.

  16. Idiocracy says:

    LOL! This is a woman who grew up privileged here in the US and stated that until recently she had not been proud of her country. The radicals are destroying our state and country.

  17. Jack Rielly says:


  18. Rick says:

    Why no Hillary ??? Cmon Dannel, NOT Daniel. get ALL of the stumpers who mooch off of the country. Even if you lose, dont worry, you cxan get a cushy consulting job..

  19. Jack says:

    Hopefully her visit will finish off Malloy in the election. When the O man goes to Bridgeport it will be at Central High school because they can’t fill Harbor Yard. It really should be held at the Unemployment Office

  20. BrickTop says:

    Is she going to tell us all what to eat while she sits on her large behind?

  21. Harry Grasso says:

    Say goodbye Foley

  22. joe says:

    Its amazing that OUR TAX DOLLARS are wasted on these trips to stump for a governor who has done nothing for the STATE of CT> oh wait, unless you count raise our taxes, chase people out,worst roads, unfriendy to retirees,non bussiness friendly. They must add up to something. They add up to wasted tax dollars for stumping

  23. Robert says:

    Yeah … because the Obama’s have done SUCH a good job with the country… Only in Ct would the liberal base ignore the reality of what they are doing to hurt the citizens of this state and country.